So updates for this past month :
PEAS! PEAS! and more PEAS! have become a favorite food. If he can eat it all by himself like a big boy then it's good. I'm happy that he has a fave veg. We'll be moving onto corn this coming month as it's another easy finger food that's just the right size for him. Brocoli is another one that's on our to eat list.
Still only the 2 bottom teeth, but there has been much drooling and chewing and I'm really hoping that the top ones will come through soon as he's a fussy Bean when he's uncomfortable. I had thought that he'd have his 2 top ones by now, guess I was wrong.
He's wearing 12 month bottoms and 18 month tops. He still has a few 12 month tops that fit, but most tend to be too tight to get his arms through. His one piece pj's now need to be 18 month so that they fit lengthwise but can be 12 month if they are 2 piece.
There has been progress made in the sleep department. There was a night where he wouldn't settle. It took him ages to get to sleep and then he woke about 45 minutes after I had fallen asleep. I went in to nurse him and I was so tired I had trouble staying awake. I was with him for nearly an hour when I finally couldn't manage anymore. He was yawning but cooing and wanting to play. I put him in his crib, he started to cry. I left the room, closed his door almost all the way, went to my room and closed the door almost all the way and while he was crying in his crib I cried into my pillow. I was exhausted. I woke up in the morning with my slippers off, half under the duvet with my house coat half on/half off. He was still sleeping. I know at some point he settled down and I don't recall it being that long after I left him in his crib. Since then, nights have been much better, getting to the point where he's in bed by around 7 and sleeps till 5 or 6am without wake ups. Every few nights he might have a wake up, but I can get him back to bed easily.
In the last week or so he has finally started settling down for daytime naps as well. With me getting more sleep at night and little breaks during the day I'm feeling like I have a little more time on my hands. He's been getting one good solid nap, about 1 - 1 1/2 hours and a second nap that's usually shorter. Right now I'm not too fussed about there not being two solid naps since napping at all is better than no naps.
Once he's pulled himself up, he has no problems sitting back down again or even picking things up while standing while he's holding onto something. He has stood very briefly on his own when I've helped him and his co-ordination when walking while hands are being held is getting to be really good. I have noticed the occasional step or two to get from one thing to another when it's just out of reach and he has nothing to hold on to. I'm wondering if walking will be sooner rather than later with this one.
He was in the church nursery on Christmas day, which is a big thing for me since it was a matter of leaving him in a strange place with someone I didn't know. He of course was thrilled to be playing with other kids and was as happy as could be. I knew he'd be fine. I also knew that the people helping in the nursery tend to have children of their own and are quite capable. Hey, it's where I got my start in watching kids! I was one of the helpers.
Speaking of which, he's celebrated his first Christmas and boy was it a good one for him! Tons of presents. New toys and clothes, this boy is set for awhile. He also saw his Pake, Ida and his Great uncle Roelof.