Title: Years
liberateourtimeChallenge: Pictures
Summary: Nick is just learning to read, but he recognizes his father's picture in the paper.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 110
The first thing that caught Nick's eye was his father's face on the front page of the local newspaper. It wasn't a very good one. It was that picture that Aunt Liz took just after Mommy and Daddy had had that big fight and Daddy had smashed the front window. Daddy's face is all wrinkled and there's the angry frown on his face that he makes when he's really mad.
Nick is just learning to read, so he scrunches up his face and tries to sound out the words, tiny fingers running along the headline. "M-U-R-D-E-R-E-R. Muh-r-der-er..."
And that is when Nick realizes that Daddy will not be coming home.