I Can Feel It....Coming in the Air.......Tonight!

May 17, 2005 10:20

Hey everyone, long time without a post! This is taken from our official site:

Thanks to our fans PBM has made it to the second round of the World Series of Rock 2005.We NEED YOUR HELP IN ROUND TWO! WE NEED YOU TO VOTE PBM!!! It's pretty simple. Go to the website - http://worldseriesofrock.com. Click on the button "Rate pop/rock" button until the page for PBM appears. Click to hear a PBM song and, then give us a TEN! You may want to give the other bands a lower score to help PBM win! We need to win the next round in order to move on to the Nationals! Tell everybody to vote!! This round will send the top 24 bands to the finals at the Intersection Lounge in Grand Rapids in early June. The top five bands compete in July at the Intersection and the winner will be peform at the Midwest Music Summit in Indianpolis, Indiana, on July 21, 22, and 23, 2005. Tell your friends to vote PBM!

So, it's been a while since I posted. It was quite a busy weekend. On Friday, I went to Greenfield Village with the family, who was in town for the big wedding (my cousins). We went on the new Ford Rouge Factory Tour. Very cool. Later that night, a bunch of us went to the Tiger game, but it was rained insanely, so the game was canceled. Bummer.

Saturday was the wedding, so it was an all day kind of thing. Danced the night away at the reception. I still suck at doing, what in my opinion is the worst dance ever, the Hustle. It was perhaps the most genius wedding though. They had a professional photographer who would take some pictures of you for Free, with the background and everything! Plus, every guest left with a 2 bags of individually wrapped Krispy Kream donuts and a bag of fresh coffee with the wedding couples name on it. Why? Well the groom loves donuts, especially Krispy Kream, and coffee (who doesn't?) plus he proposed over breakfast, so this way guests could take home their breakfast for the next morning. Like I said...genius.

Sunday, Ang and I went to a very nice brunch at the Dearborn Inn with the remaining family in town for the wedding. Later that day, Ang and I ate dinner at her grandparents, as we usually do on Sundays.

Monday, spent the whole day at Greenfield Village and Henry Ford Museum. Long day, but very fun and great weather for once. We rode a Model-T and had a great time.


Until next time...
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