(no subject)

Nov 25, 2005 14:48

Just a few quick words and whatnot-
(I gots to kick this shit off)

headpwns - headphones that don't give you the same high fidelity that your speaker system does.

frankphurter: sunkens behind hatcheries earn their keep.
freebass: or do they earn their...creep?

"earning your creep" - proving a useful (defence implied) addition to the zerg enterprise

Hot Eats Cool Treats - A quick way to say HECT over radio airwaves. Also what you may find at Dairy Queen.

Dairy Queen - A quick way to say DQ over radio airwaves.

Drove dad around today. SAM's, new tires, played XBOX 360 and was not impressed! Not at all! Half-Life 2 came first, guys. It did. Everyone's tired of WWII. Call of Duty 2? More like Fall of Doodie 3.
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