Nov 14, 2004 23:48
i would now like to put everyones attention over my way and fucking listen... got it? :)
Elise... has done a very bad thing and gone and stolen christmas.
if you are as upset as i am, please bash her up, and make it hurt.
thankyou :)
today was a very special day for me, because it was on this day 1 year ago, that i met the best person in the world, my best friend, and my number 1 girl forever... TASH!!!
i seriously cant believe how quick its gone!!! the last 9 or 10 months have absolutely FLOWN past me, i dont know where they went! (elise... did you steal them aswell? NOT HAPPY)
November 14th 2003, Somerville Mechanics Hall - Kiss Chasy, Epik, and Shooting Blanks.
god... ill never forget the moment i said hi to her... *cries*
i love her soooooooo much, and more than absolutely anything... but i wish we could still be how we used to.
everynight, we would stay up until like 3am and just talk... and yeah, i miss it so much.
we are still close... but i wish we were like... pen and paper (bad example? give me a better one:
everytime i see her talking to someone (boy or girl) i just get so jealous because i wish i was talking to her, i wish i could be with her all the time... and be able to help her.
if there is 1 thing in life besides air and food that i couldnt live without, it would definately be Tash.
Tash, your probably getting sick of me saying it, but i love you so much and forever.
i wana show you how much i love you, but A: its impossible and B: you probably wouldnt even let me try :( haha, so your just guna have to believe/trust me.
ok, this is a long enough message for my eyes, peace.
love ya stax and stax (tries to be as cool as elise)