1st January, Thursday:
RP: Moment of silence II - Discussion on Nessy.
12th January, Monday:
RP: This is going to hurt - Pansy calls round while he busy resetting his nose.
14th January, Wednesday:
RP: Brother, my cup is empty - Lucius calls re: Draco/Hermione.
16th January, Friday:
RP: I don't do humility well, so here... sorry - Pansy comes over to apologise for her behaviour on
Monday, but Rodolphus is home.
18th January, Sunday:
RP: An appointment - Visiting Renard Mercer for healing needs.
20th January, Tuesday:
RP: Sailing - The Lestranges up-anchor and head off with Pansy.
29th January, Thursday:
RP: We work the whole day through - Pansy's tidying up.