3rd December, Wednesday:
RP: Tending to wounded pride? - Too much food, exercise and muggle-company.
5th December, Friday:
RP/OWL: On Wing - Owl from Rodolphus!
RP: Live together as brothers or perish as fools - Meeting Rod in Kings Cross. Cue brotherly bonding over drinks and muggle-murdering.
9th December, Tuesday:
OWL: What it means when they die in my hands - Owl to Pansy to notify her of Tony's death, plus a warning regarding Rodolphus and his owl.
12th December, Friday:
RP: Taking a late night snack with a friend - Visiting Pansy re: previous letter.
20th December, Saturday:
RP: The Love Boat - Meeting Rodolphus and Fenrir at the docks. Hostages!
23rd December, Tuesday:
The weather outside is frightful - Battle at the North Pole. And then their
24th December, Wednesday:
Cigars from Pansy.