Feb 13, 2006 16:02
I'm not sure what to write. I feel sorta weird being here in Colorado. I don't know what to do. Do I go back to work in the restaurant biz? Do I wait out another tech job? Do I take a job in the restaurant biz and start working and then quit when a tech job shows up? I don't know if I can work in restaurants anymore. I went into Chili's the other day and I couldn't imagine waiting tables there again. It seems like such a foreign job to me now. For the last 5 years almost all my social interaction was with a computer screen in front of me. I can't remember how to talk to people anymore. It's a sobering feeling to think that you aren't qualified to work in a restaurant anymore.
My housing situation. If I move into Matt's house its gonna cost me around 1500 bucks to do so. Thats the rent that I will give him up front plus buying a bed and a desk and chair, TV, TV Stand, assorted other shit that I will need to live. Seems like a unwise decision to make seeing as I don't have a job right now. I don't mind staying with my folks for now. I feel comfortable there but man I'm 34 years old I shouldn't be living in my parents basement at this age right? I feel like I'm going to be the typical geek playing World of Warcraft all day living in his parents basement. The rent at Matt's house will be cheap and it includes everything. The room there is decent the bathroom needs a little work but its not bad. I think that it might be fun to live with Matt and Reub they should help me get back into the swing of things out here in Colorado.
Money and living arrangements suck. Life was easy in California. They paid my rent and gave me money every two weeks. Having to worry about this shit is depressing.