Nov 28, 2006 20:15
My cat ATE my computer. I go to the bathroom, I come back, a bunch of the keys are missing, the cat looks guilty. So not impressed. I think something doesn't want me to have a computer. The internet was fritzy for a while, part of the hinge between the screen and the keyboard is missing, I mutilated my 'hunt and peck' left pointer finger (proper typing is for suckers) putting up the nausiating fake plastic trees Rogers sent us for the festive season. They look like poo. No other was to describe it. [/tangent] And now, the keyboard is hooped. Some of the buttons are not working like they used to. Goddamnit, Butters.
Anywho, the actual reason I wanted to post: Quebec + Nation Satus = kiss my ass. So they speak French. Big whoop. I am sick, sick, SICK of kowtowing to Quebequois jerks who want the benefits of being a part of Canada without actually being a part of of Canada. And what does Nation within a Nation status even mean? Does every group get it? What does it give them? Can I have it for being an Anglophone? Essentiallty the Canadiennes are getting it for speaking French and living in Quebec. Can I get it for speaking English and living in BC? Of course not. Thats SILLY. Know what my special nation status is? CANADIAN. Embrace it, Quebequois. If Quebec wants to be seperate so badly, fine. Go nuts. BUT, no special nation satus, no Canadian dollar, no Canadian Health Care, no Federal infrastrcture, and the West stops paying for all the economic deficits in Quebec. Our tax money may actually get to go to us... wow. Either put up or shut up, Quebec.
Finally, I'm probably the last person to know about this, but is the BEST internet radio I've ever listened to. Type a song or artist in the search and it creates a station for you with similar music. Best ones so far? Robert Johnson, the Shins, and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah. I am now trying out The Kooks and the Flaming Lips. Very exciting *g*