from self-flagellation to amusement... improvement!

Aug 29, 2013 16:54

Can I just say that in the 10+ months it's been since I stalled on "All The Leaves" I am SO GRATEFUL that other fic-writers stepped up to the 616 plate? Because that pressure of being the "only" half-way decent 616 fic around for a while was KILLING me.

I was so glad when "Sins of Omission" by Kiyaar and "Relativistic Heat Conduction" by SakuraTsukikage distracted everyone. SO VERY GLAD! (oooh...and that ElspethDixon and Seanchai finally finished the epic "Reassembled"! *throws confetti*)

Just relieved that block is out of the way, mostly, even if the chapter isn't quite what I'd wanted/hoped it would be. -_-;

It is HILARIOUS reading some Tumblr reactions though; the "super-soldier dick problems" comments make me laugh the most. Good thing!

It's also humbling to see what people pick out of your stories and fixate on -- because obviously I'm doing something right enough that people want to read it, but still something wrong enough that they pick up on the one line that isn't quite meant to define the character's entire reality and carry it as gospel forever. *snerk*

Perception! Point of View! Unreliable narrator! Steve's just WRONG about himself, okay? Sheesh. Why is that so hard to see? Tony is a slut and Steve is sheltered. haven't you ever been there reader? haven't you? Because sleeping with someone with real skill in bed AND who is intensely into you is an overwhelming and eye-opening thing. Oh yisss it is.... *fond memories*

And sorry fandom, but not every character is as jaded as fanfic readers are, or even knows their own true preferences and tastes until they're shown them. *smirk* Sex is a skill like any other; Tony just has lots of practice! LOTS of practice. *laughs*

But yeah. Still laughing about those comments, because they weren't mean or anything, just kinda, um, confused. They made me smile at least. Mostly because, like me, most of them just want to see Tony finally get off. BONUS!

Also, this is a bit of an experiment fic -- an experiment in following and cramming in as much actual canon reference as I can. It kind of proves just how freakin' IMPOSSIBLE the Marvel universe is. And I haven't even really touched on half the stuff I should be... like Wolverine. And Spider-Man. Who are just impossible to keep track of with all their cross-appearances. *laughs wryly* You HAVE to pick and choose. And during the time period in canon I'm writing about, Steve's running all over hell too. -_- It's a chore.

sometimes the sun shines, fandom, writing, marvel

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