The beast slays the man.

Apr 24, 2010 23:56

Having fallen asleep in his chair, Aedel was woken by the first beams of sunlight falling into his face. The moment he came awake, he felt the change begin. It caught him completely unawares - usually he was awake in time to mentally prepare himself for what was to come, but this time it was a complete surprise. As his muscles started to tear, he doubled over in pain and collapsed onto the floor. His bones broke and changed their shapes, some ripping through his skin as they re-knit into something far more ghastly and inhuman. It was excruciating; his vision whited out and his ears began to ring. A terrible sound tore free of his throat, a scream that was both human and animal, yet neither.

When his body had reshaped itself, his skin grew rough and grey, and thick hanks of golden fur sprouted from it. His face had taken on the form of something part cat, part hound, and part man, with a short, squarish snout and long, pointed yellowed teeth. His limbs were long and skinny: his arms nearly reached the ground and his legs were bent like those of a four-legged mammal. From either side of his head, his ears had elongated into sharp points; tufts of honey-blond hair grew from the tips. A short tail sprouted from his lower back. Only his eyes, silver and frigid, remained the same. His thoughts were a panic - half-man, half-beast. Part of him wished to run, to tear and devour any creature of flesh that crossed his path; the other part desired to remain hidden until the sun set. This latter half was in control, but only barely.

Anything could trigger the monster.

( Words: 286. )

pov:3rd limited, original:random

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