Stormfront Is Cheaper than Viagra...

Nov 01, 2011 10:35

... and they have more honour than Waffles, too! is always good for a laugh. Lately they "found out" that Clinton has a Black illegitimate offspring. (Somehow, this is the Jews' fault, but I didn't quite twig how and I don't think I will.)

Oh my oh my, Bubba has an awful taste in women.

Although Lewinsky was a fat, vulgar slut, at least she looked vaguely female, but this belligerent looking, chinwise overendowed thang positively looks like Little Black Sambo's ugly older brother. Not to speak of the man's suit it is wearing.

I am not linking to the maniacs, so do google for 'stormfront clinton negro' to get the link.

But what is REALLY funny about that is the fact that the Waffling Warrior, from whom I stole the Stormfront bit, in another one of his unappetising attempts to save the White race, totally overlooked what was written at the botton of the page:Could be just gossip, and maybe I shouldn't even post it. Two of the articles was from NewMax. They usually don't err. One story from WND. Still a lot on the net, though it's gradually disappearing.
It WAS gossip. And who would have thought so. Waffles just didn't bother AGAIN to read a webpage down to the end and I don't think that he's cared, had he done so. Plus, I guess, scrolling is difficult if one is typing with only one hand.

Strormfront:Note: It has now been reported that DNA tests unequivocally rule out Bill Clinton as the biological father of Danny Williams
As it is often the case with the mentally defective and obsessed, Stormfront don't lie. Once one accepts their crude and warped view, everything falls into place and they are consistent and would never lie in the ethical sense of the word, because they are deeply convinced that everything they say is true, and so they conscientiously did print the retraction. Thank you Stormfront. In your totally bonkers way you have honour and that is more than what can be said about Yeagley.

Well, but at least it helped the valiant warrior to another family size package of virtual viagra cialis online pharmacy pharmacy.
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