Colt Boa

Jul 03, 2014 18:38

Читая новый номер журнала Guns&Ammo Handguns про "змеиные" револьверы Colt, с удивлением для себя обнаружил упоминание о модели Boa.
Google немного помог и оказалось, что Boa - револьвер калибра .357 Magnum на рамке Mk V со стволом от модели Python, чему нашел подтверждение здесь:

Here's what I have on the Boa:

It was made by Colt as a special run with the entire run bought by Lew Horton Distributing, a big gun distributor. Unlike many special distributor guns, the Boa is considered to be a factory model.

These were Colt Mark V revolvers fitted with a Python barrel and given the Royal Blue Colt finish.
There were 600 each made with a 4" barrel and 600 with a 6" barrel.
There was also a Boa set of one 4" and one 6" gun with consecutive serial numbers in cases supplied by Lew Horton. There were 100 of these two gun sets made.

The individual gun retail price from Horton was $525.
Retail on the two gun sets was $1,200.

Pricing a Boa today is very difficult due to the skyrocketing prices of all Colt pistols, and especially rare guns like these.
At best, you could say the bare minimum of a single gun would be over $1,600, with a set at least $4,500.


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guns, colt, guns&ammo, revolver, револьвер, colt boa, огнестрельное оружие

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