Jun 15, 2006 05:35
So, I sort of impulse-bought a PS2 today. I choose to blame the following sequence of events:
1. I move into a house with cable.
2. I see previews for the show Rescue Me, whose title theme is C'mon C'mon by the Von Bondies.
3. I recall that the same song was featured on the Burnout 3 Soundtrack.
4. On my way to buy a case of Soda, I stop by GameStop and walk out with $150 dollars worth of PS2 and Burnout 3.
I rationalized it thusly: I have a job.
It's pretty weak, I know. But the worst thing?
I don't even have a TV that I can hook the PS2 up to.
The TV I inherited doesn't have a remote, only an RCA universal that doesn't let me switch to the alternate inputs. This means that I really can't hook any accessories up to it without going through an RF modulator, which would be lame
Odds are that tomorrow I'm going to impulsively buy a television. If you know me in real life, I think this week would be a good time to go shopping with me and point out neat and expensive things you own. Good for you, anyway.
Pretty glad I'm in Austin right now.
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