Today in piano class, it's 'Share your other musical instrument' Day!

Feb 10, 2008 10:44

I got this idea from another teacher and it was a hit with my students! Friday's class was small with 3 of my high schoolers and we had great discussions and sharing about their instruments. One brought her french horn and another brought her clarinet.

Saturday's class was a bit larger with 6 of my elementary age students. We had a trumpet, clarinet, and penny whistle.

Yesterday was such a lovely day. I pruned a couple of shrubs in the yard.


I went for a run, which I haven't done since about the 2nd week of January because I was sick and then I was busy with preparations for P3 and London. My time wasn't bad but my muscles were complaining by the end of it. I wonder if I can get back in shape in time for the next 5k race the first weekend in March?

Oh, and the concert on Thursday went great! Funnest concert I've done in a while. :)

running, teaching, studio, choir gig

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