Title: You Thought Wrong (Chapter 5)
Genre: Drama, Romance
Pairing: Ryoda
Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. The author does not claim to own or know the characters of the story personally. Any similarities to actual events are mere coincidence.
Summary: Ueda Tatsuya thought there’s zero percent chance his love will be returned. So
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Comments 31
i can't bear to look at depressed Ryo...
*bounce with Ueda*
yeah...u've lunch with Ryo!!!
Ryo wouldn't be depressed if he's man enough to confess. but no, he likes to drag it on. *sigh*
princesses usually have fairy godmothers, right? maybe that's Kat's role for our hime.
I'm looking forward for the rest ^^
Poor Ryo tho,I don't want him to be away from Tatchan for a whole month~ who will feed Tatchan? XD
i think Tat-chan will survive the month. let's hope he'll miss Ryo-chan so much he'll confess when he see him again, ne~?
thanks for the comment!
can't wait for kat's performance in matchmaking RyoDa!!!
proud of Ryo so far~
looking forward again~ XD
thanks for sharing as usual~
Wait for the next chapter!
but i'm even more curious what kat will do to ryo... i hope she wont be disturbing those two too much... *gets smacked*
I'll looking forward~ I want to Ryo to be happy~ (with his Hime)
And OH ! You're so fast to update O.O
i do try to update as soon as possible. while the story is bubbling in me.
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