Title: You Thought Wrong (Chapter 5)
Genre: Drama, Romance
Pairing: Ryoda
Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. The author does not claim to own or know the characters of the story personally. Any similarities to actual events are mere coincidence.
Summary: Ueda Tatsuya thought there’s zero percent chance his love will be returned. So he thought the best way is to move on with his life. He thought he’d be satisfied just to see him and love him from afar. Nishikido Ryo, on the other hand, thought that he hates Ueda Tatsuya-or at least that’s what he wants other people to think-when in fact, he’s in love with Tatsuya. He thought that since he’s been cruel to the older man, there would never be a chance for him to love him back. Oh, how wrong they both were!
A/N: Yosh! Finally done with Chapter 5!
This fic has been moved to its new home, my fanfiction community,
pautamiwrites. To read it, click on Uepon.