Oct 11, 2005 01:58
I thought I was tired Sunday, but then it turned out I wasn't. My friends, who keep springing out between the cracks in the walls, ripping apart all the barriers for me--I had no idea they could be all be there like this for me--revived me and helped me to use Power for Good in a way that I had never been able to pull off before, and I am amazed at and proud of myself, perhaps inordinately so.
Now I am tired. And I've been in a pickle all day. But I see light at the end of the tunnel, I think, finally.
I feel like the most dramatic part of my life has simplified into just two options, the determination between which depends on a simple conditional.
And while of course the model explodes as soon as it touches reality, I think that I will be able to maintain it for long enough to finally give me some peace--I can dream on it, at least, tonight, I think. I haven't had a good night's sleep all this long weekend, and that's no way to live.
Especially when this week is going to hit me hard.
pimp gangsta moves,