
Apr 29, 2009 21:03

Ok, so this is pretty boring but:

  • I had a great time in Providence. As always.
  • Last night I played a show with The Saltines at Union Hall in which, unlike the past two gigs, I was playing on every song and in all sorts of chord progressions that are not 12 bar blues and in a room with a ton more people. Maybe 60? Quite scary. I couldn't hear myself play in the lower register for much of the show because the monitors weren't turned toward me right, so I was convinced I was messing up the entire time. But not so. Crowd went wild for the solos, and afterwards I got a ton of positive feedback from the band and people in the audience saying how great I was and how well I meshed with the band, etc. It's getting to the point where I might as well just be cocky about this sort of thing.

    The other huge thing about that concert was that a ton of friends and coworkers came out to see it, so I was playing for a lot of people I know. Thanks to all of you who came out for the show.
  • Tonight I've got nothing to do except chill out.
  • I'm getting sick. I'm close to certain it's NOT swine flu, mostly on the grounds that that would be really dumb.
  • I've determined that what I ought to be doing is renegotiating the rent on my lease before renewing it. I'm pretty sure this is correct because I'm in a great bargaining position--I could just peace out to another place in the neighborhood that's cheaper--but I've never had to haggle for something so important before, so the task is daunting. Also, I'm still looking for a roommate for when Hal moves out, so I'm taking on the responsibility of finding a subtenant if I go this route.

providence, harmonica

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