(no subject)

Sep 10, 2007 16:03

From Darmstadter Rockrimmon the Younger:

China has banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating without government permission.


DRtY and I went to go see the recently released movie Shoot 'Em Up today.

In the opening scene, the main character, Mr. Smith, delivers a baby in a shootout then cuts the umbilical chord by firing a bullet through it. The script writes itself from there.

"Writes" might be an overstatement.

But I'm pretty sure some new ground was broken in the film. Carrots play a major role in the action, for some reason; one of the first causalities in the film is told, in that way people in action movies tell things to people once they are already dead or dying, to "eat [his] veggies."

Much later in the film, there is a scene in which Mr. Smith shoots the many gunmen leaking through every aperture of his abode whilst banging Monica Bellucci. Has that been done before? As a scene, it basically epitomizes everything an action movie wants to be. I'm not sure how one could top it. Incidentally, Bellucci plays a lactating whore.

The movie has rabid pro- gun control political themes.

shoot em up, reincarnation, news, darmstadter rockrimmon the younger, movie, tibet, buddhism, china

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