School; Martin Luther King day

Jan 16, 2007 02:31

I've been back in Providence for just 7 hours now, and already I'm awake for a late night, behind on my responsibilities, unprepared for tomorrow, etc. While stewing at home playing video games I let my life ambitions run wild again, likely out-pacing my capacities. But the images of the future are so vivid.

In Bridgeport (one of the bus stops on the way up to RI) there were men in white do-rags with loudspeakers shouting outside the bus station. "Do you think that the white man loves you? Do you think that Jesus Christ loves you?" I couldn't make out what they were shouting about beyond that, but the man who sat next to me on the bus told me that they were calling themselves something like the New Nation of Israel, and were claiming that "all colored people are from the tribe of Israel, and all white people are Gentiles." I've looked them up, but the closest thing I can find are the Black Hebrew Israelite groups. Since apparently they were welcoming Puerto Ricans into the nation of Israel, my guess is that they were the Israelite Church of GOD in Jesus Christ. These guys seemed more militant than this website would suggest, though.

Anyway, so much for Martin Luther King day.

school, black hebrew israelites, mlk day, israelite church of god in jesus christ, ambition

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