May 04, 2012 11:08
Well time for an update. Much has happened since December and the last post, so let’s go through the old format of update to fill you all in and for prosperity.
I have broken with Michelle and moved away from Hitchin. Her poor management of things in our life and her rapidness to dismiss my concerns led to problems. She forced us to live with her sister, a bad decision for all but her sister when she first moved to England. I have met few people whom had such disregard for all other people and cared for no one but her daughter and husband. She also became much more concerned about money issues, pressuring me when I was struggling to make ends meet on supply. The major nail in the coffin though was her no sex policy she introduced and I will say that without that the will to carry on quickly dried up. I am not saying I was not faultless but I did try to make it work for that last year. I even paid for us to go on holiday together our last breath of relationship but when someone’s heart has gone cold to you it is no longer worth trying. I moved out and took a job and a place in Peterborough, during those months till she moved out from our (rather high) rented studio house she ran it into the ground, failed to do proper maintenance or cleaning and as a result we lost all 1,200 pounds of rent…stolen by Acorn the letting agents rather unfairly, 700 pounds for some laminate and 300 pounds to clean the radiators (I would take that job and pay!). A warning to all people who consider Acorn as a letting agent!
I met a few girls afterwards and enjoyed the single life until I met a Polish girl called Magdelena. Now, I was rather reassured by her being Polish after so many positive relationships in Cheshire with Polish women, mainly due to Raja and Marta and the Liverpool friends. So I quickly fell in love with her, she was beautiful, interesting, mysterious and passionate when aroused and was sure she was faithful. I actually thought this maybe the one. Of course, there were issues, she worked in the same place as me and had been badly emotionally scarred by her husband and was slow to trust. Still we had 2 months which went very nicely until she called it off for minor reasons. I felt something else was going on, she was not in a position for a real relationship and was unsure how to treat a boyfriend. So we came to a close…and I got more hurt than I have been since Nancy. My feelings still burn for her, but she uses this as an excuse to hurt me more, so I tried to put it all behind me. I want her to be happy, but wish there had been more to our time together. She could have been the great love in my life and it ended too soon. Since then a few dates, but no-one that fires my heart and luck was about to get worse…
I moved to Peterborough and took on a placement at Parnwell Primary School for two terms. I grew to love this school, despite resources problems and challenging children, due to the quality of support of the deputy and decent people of the team. There is not a bad person there…though my opinions of Magdelena are obviously a little mixed. I have made real progress with my class, going from 2nd worst attendance to the top in the school; the children have made progress in their levels but most noticeably in their behaviour, attitude and work ethic. Despite the class doing my head in when I have no TA support, I have grown rather fond of them all and go with the rise and fall of their achievements and failures. I will miss them when my last day comes and I don’t want to think about saying goodbye to Tim and the team. The school, like Parnwelll has reinforced my confidence and enjoyment of teaching and helped to improve my practice. When OFSTED assesses a school, I wish they would also assess the contentment of the staff. I think that shows a good picture as well.
Here the trouble starts. I have never liked the city of Peterborough, yes sure, I do have some friends here but they are not the life changing friends of Chester or the loyal friends of St. Albans that time still has not faded. I have gone to Ray’s at Fridays for Magic as in the old days, but it is commonly been just me and Ray. Lee and Sam are less friendly and have become more competitive and all current type 2. I am sure they are better players for it but they play less enjoyable games. For me it is not the win or lose (everyone likes to win) but the see-saw, turn by turn, high drama games I enjoy. Still I have enjoyed Ray’s company, he is a honest, plain speaking guy and about to become a father. I have seen a little more of Rob and his wife Hazel and a little of Mike from St. Albans but it is never enough for my social needs. Well the last month has played my hard. I have had some Playstation 3 games stolen and also my mobile phone. These are just material things (though the Rock Band 3 was a sentimental loss…a birthday present from Michelle) but the real calamity came from falling off my bike. What? You say! A bike…fallen off…surely you have done that a thousand times before! Well yes, even run over before with no real injury…but maybe it is because I am getting older…or my epic life luck ran out for a while. I fell and snapped my wrist, a really bad break, complete with limb distortion that would make you go…’ohhh!’ The last week has been a nightmare. The initial cast had to be removed due to my hand swelling up, originally they thought due to the hand angle in the cast. So they did a bone manipulation while I was on gas. I have never had anything so horrific; the gas did not much to stop the pain as two burly guys pulled my hand, and another my shoulder straight. The ordeal lasted about 2 minutes during which they put the cast on. Despite trying my best to be a man, my eyes were flooded, body shaking and my speech incoherent. I never want that again, and if so, need to be unconscious. All of this…and the next day this cast was removed for an operation. My arm has plates in, bone fragments removed and a trapped nerve released. The pain killers made me drowsy and only now is my life showing any signs of normality. Typing is hard and daily chores a marathon. I am still of work and missing it terribly, daytime TV is a bore and the heavy duty cast means my arm can’t stay up for long without support as my arm strength has gone. I wait to see what the next month has in store for me.