Title: Remus Lupin and the Revolt of the Creatures, Chapter Ten: The Shelter of Companions, part one
Author: PaulaMcG
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: (subtly, eventually) Remus/Sirius
Chapter summary: Remus makes some friends.
Word count: around 6,100
Disclaimer: Remus won't help me make any money.
Notes: This is the first half of Chapter Ten. (While I
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Comments 2
Ah, this makes such sense.
Once again like a new-born child, but having lost a previous life, he had to learn to know who he was.
And so does this. You do a really good job imagining the plausible details of transformation.
His dependence on other creatures had become a more complicated issue than ever.
Yes, and interestingly so.
Satisfying his hunger with this food gave him the astonishing sensation that he had never eaten anything real before.
Great detail. I can just imagine how good the food must have tasted, how hungry he was.
And that made him aware of the fact that he had come to truly consider whether the bite could be a gift and not exclusively a curse.
Excellent idea -- it adds such complexity to the whole situation.
But the challenge now was to simply accept the celebration of this situation, which was not the worst they all could have imagined. They all needed the blessing of this moment, and he probably needed it ( ... )
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