The Gods have a very sick sense of humor

Apr 22, 2010 09:32

So all week I have been waking up at about 1 to 2 in the morning for no reason at all. Then not really being able to fall back to sleep til about 5 when my alarm goes off at 530. So after 4 days of this crap I say screw it and call in 4 hours furlough this morning and leave the office a voice mail saying I will be in around 11. No big deal cause my boss doesn't really care as long as I get my work done.
Well what do you know but I get count em 5 F'n calls this morning from the world asking about this computer breaking this way, that computer doing something else. I have calls in from my office wondering about some obscure piece of paper that doesn't make sense about a company that doesn't even exist anymore. Then I start getting the calls and emails from the Kingdom and Society!.... GOOD GODS WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! and all this when normally Monday through Friday I don't hear from anyone AT ALL until about noon, if that! So after two pathetic hours of attempting to actually get some much needed sleep I'm up! and I'm betting the Gods will turn off the phones! So Rose I think we have a new color to add to the list. I call it "Black with a shit load of sugar!".
So off to the shower in my haze of I don't know what and then off to work!

work and sca and lack of sleep

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