Stressful month

Dec 01, 2007 01:59

It's 2:00 in the morning on December 1st and I am at work.

At the end of October I started a full time job as an awake/overnight counselor for Home Intervention at Washington County Mental Health. The night position does give me more casual time at work to work on school work but I think once I graduate I will be eager to move back to a day position.

This month has been really stressful not only with starting a new job and trying to get my body on a rhythm of staying awake at night and sleeping during the day, but because of huge apartment troubles. I moved into an apartment on the first November in Barre. It was a nice two bedroom on the second floor of a house. It was 650 a month with heat included. Unfortunately after I moved in I soon discovered three things: the heat doesn't work and none of the electricity is grounded, two things the landlord says he had no idea was wrong with the place. In addition, the house is technically owned by a 92 year old man who lives on the first floor and hired this renting company to rent out the second floor of his house to tenants. The elderly man has really bad hearing though and has his television turned up very loud pretty much the entire day, right when I'm trying to sleep. I tried to get him to turn down his television for three weeks, but he refused to turn it down, saying he didn't care if I couldn't sleep, and told me I would have to move out. By the third week of staying in an apartment with no heat, unsafe electricity, and a mean man downstairs who has a loud tv on all day, I asked my landlord to let me out of the lease. I just couldn't take it anymore. I had to do a little bit of fighting but the renting company did let me out of the lease. As of tomorrow I'm currently moving everything from this apartment in Barre to another one bedroom apartment in Plainfield. Wish me luck! This apartment is in an actual apartment building that is professionally runned by an apartment company, all the tenants have to keep their noise levels down, and the heat works, and the electricity is grounded, woohoo! I I hope to get everything moved in before the big snow storm comes. I am definitely eager to finally get out of this apartment in Barre. I really am eager to finish this experience of my life. I've learned that when looking at apartments check to make sure things actually work in the apartment, the apartment is safe, and that your neighbors aren't so loud you can't sleep.

Aside from my stress level being high this past month I am very blessed. Elsbeth and I have scheduled our wedding officially for February 2, 2008. Elsbeth had surgery on her nose this past month which went very well. The doctors removed some of her sinus walls and other things so she can breathe through her nose. Woohoo! Imagine not being able to breathe through your nose not only just during a cold, but every day, twenty-four hours a day!

In addition, I hope to graduate from college on Jan. 13, 2008. I'm counting down the days. I am very much looking forward to not having homework to do anymore.

Life has been throwing me a lot of curveballs but Jesus Christ has been seeing me through all of them. I'm amazed that I have made it this far this month with everything I've got going on my plate. There have been so many times that I've felt extremely overwhelmed with work, school work, apartment troubles, music ministry work, and wedding planning that I've been convinced I just couldn't go on anymore. But by GOd's strength I'm still going. Thank you God.
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