Apr 04, 2006 21:12
Working full time is tough but it's not as bad as high school ever was. I'm working 9 hour days monday through friday and I like it a lot. I'm making decent money and I love the people I work with.
Work was at 10am today...just like everyday. It's tuesday meaning it's new release day...I have to put whatever project I'm working on on hold so I can get all the new releases out into the store in time so people don't get all pissed when they can't find their copy of "The Best Of Poison".
The IPT people decided they would try to make my job easier by putting all my new release CD's and DVD's in their keepers (you know...those little plastic things that makes it real hard for you to steal shit) so I could get them shelved quicker. It was real nice of them and everything but they keepered them all backwards. That fuckin' sucked. I had to un-keeper them all and then re-do it. Kinda defeated the purpose of what they were trying to do.
On my break I headed over to Newbury Comics because Less Than Jake's new EP came out today. Fuck yes. I grabbed it for 4 bucks...definately a sweet deal. I already know two of the songs from the EP beacuse I'm a theif and I download stuff before it comes out. The two songs I didn't know are the two best on the disc. LTJ has pleased me yet again.
After Newbury I headed for Subway. On the way there I got pulled over and the fucking douche cop said I ran a red light. This is definately bullshit. The light was yellow. I got a ticket for 100 fucking dollars. That sucks so fucking much.
But I guess that's just where I'll always be...at the end of the longest line.
I was definately bummed out for a large portion of my last four hours at work because of the ticket. It really does suck.
I'm really looking foward to saturday cause we've got practice in the early afternoon. Now that Kellen is playing with us I think that things will be moving along a lot quicker and it's going to sound a lot more solid. I'm hoping to play a show sometime in the comming months.
...We need a fucking name...suggestions?
I've got to call some people now because I'm fucking bored. If I don't get ahold of anyone I'll probly just chill out and grab the book I've been reading. Star Wars: Dark Lord is definitely a sweet book.
Fuck the police.