Cardiology appointment (actual date: 6/25/2010)

Jun 28, 2010 07:45

In a nutshell:

I had open heart surgery when I was 5. I have regular cardiology check ups to make sure everything is still OK.  I need to have heart surgery again.

Friday was my annual checkup and the echocardiogram showed that one of the issues that had initially been fixed had come back.

There's a small membrane growing over my aortic valve which is causing 40 units of pressure to be put on my valve every time my heart pumps (think of when you put your finger over the hose).  For just me, this pressure is fairly okay, considering my previous history; if I were to get pregnant, though, I wouldn't be able to circulate enough blood to support a healthy baby.  Over time, this amount of pressure will also damage my aorta, which would mean a valve replacement.

It's not emergency surgery by any means, but I'm definitely hoping to get it done sooner rather than later (the doctor said within a year would be okay; they can work around school and other life things I already have planned).  Everything will happen at Mass General in Boston (where I had my first surgery, too).  The doctor wants me and mom to go meet with her and the surgeon - I'm probably going to schedule this to take place in the next couple of weeks and hopefully plan the surgery for early-mid July... I don't want to be in the hospital for my birthday and I want to be ready for school in September.

More details to follow, if only to help me keep my sanity

surgery, cardiology

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