vacation, all i ever wanted

Jun 29, 2012 07:08

Nothing special happening. Work has been slow, slow, slow. Just need to make it to 5pm today so I can be on vacation. Tomorrow, Joe's working until about 1pm and then we're going to Elm Park for $5 all you can eat ice cream (fun fact: Elm Park is one of the oldest public parks in the country!,_Massachusetts%29).

We're both on vacation next week, so plans include the zoo, a local audubon society place (, Purgatory Chasm ( There's also talk of hiking Mount Wachusett (, and I'm sure we'll so some mini golf and some other fun stuff.

I've seriously been ready for this vacation since May 20th. If you remember, graduation was on May 19. I was working SO HARD - both at work and at school - that I didn't realize how pooped I was until most of that was taken away. Now, I just want some ME time where I don't have to answer to anyone. Taking that day off a few weeks ago was a good idea but totally just a cock tease.

Facebook links to some pictures from the show the other night:
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