feed my franksteeeein

Jun 27, 2012 06:41

The show last night was AMAZING! Alice Cooper's in his 50s, but his performance was amazing. He took a couple of like 15-30 second breaks in between songs to change his costume and then at another point took off about a minute or 2, but that's because in the performance, he'd just had his head chopped off. He literally went non-stop. I really want to him again as the headliner/only act. Joe and I were talking though and we're not sure he even does/still physically CAN do full tour like that.

Iron Maiden was also really good. Like I mentioned in my previous post, I'm not a Maiden fan, but holy hell they put on a fantastic show!

Typical concert means that there were some douchebags in front of me who were too busy having a bromance. Everyone stood for the entire Maiden set, so even though we were sitting center-stage, I had to watch the screen for quite a bit because I couldn't see. Or any time I COULD see, they had to have a bro hug. The guy sitting a couple down from them made it totally worth it, though: long and luxurious, 80s metal band hair that went down to like, his waist. He was TOTALLY rocking out during Iron Maiden. I got a couple of awesome pictures of him. We walked past him on the way out and I wanted to tell him I got some good ones so I could give them to him, but I couldn't really think of how to say it without sounding like a creeper. Decided I'll just keep them for my own amusement instead.

Got some great pictures of Alice Cooper, too. Took a couple of short videos, but mostly because I was trying to figure out how to use the video camera option on my phone :P Recorded the whole performance of "Poison". As it turns out, I know most of the songs that he played. Most of them sounded familiar even though I didn't know the words/only knew the chorus (i.e., hey stoopid). For Maiden, got a few good pictures (again, hard to take pics when you can't effin see!). Recorded the entire intro into and through the first songs (Seven Seas? something like that I think). Joe also recorded Number of the Beast since that's one of his faves.

On the way in, we debated about whether to park in the free arena lot or pay 30 bucks for the easy out. Turns out I got in the wrong lane, so we ended up parking in the free lot. It's an hour drive from home so we figured it would be 2-3 hours until we got home, especially based on our last experience at the Patriots game. The show ended about 11pm, I was home and in bed by 1am. And yes, now I'm up, writing this and getting ready for work at 6:30am. I've actually been up since 5:45am, since I did manage to squeeze in a 30 minute workout, too.

All in all, last night was a blast! I still can't believe it was only our 2nd concert together, but it's difficult when we have widely different tastes in music. Plus, while I'm willing to go to/experience anything once, Joe is a little (a lot) harder to convince, even if I can promise him that he'll have a good time (see: Kenny Chesney).

That's all for now. Still need to eat breakfast and make coffee. Will probably get the pics off my phone tonight. Might post 'em up on here, too. We'll see.
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