Jun 08, 2007 07:13
I signed up for insurance yesterday. I'm in the amusing position of signing up for 7 weeks of coverage, and having open enrollment start in 2 weeks so I have to go sign up again then for coverage from August 1 on.
My doctor's office and I spent a lot of time on the phone yesterday going over the names of plans to find out which ones he was on. Yes, I want to find some emergency coverage down here (and I found the Doc-in-boxes that are local that take this insurance). But I've been seeing this doctor for more than 13 years, and we've worked hard to stabilize my meds and my other physical stuff. I'm thrilled that he's covered by one of the more reasonable plans.
I did not sign up for a medical reimbursement account now, altho I will mid-June when I have to re-enlist.
The most excellent news: my prescription costs will be covered so that my co-pay will be close to $100 per month, rather than the $600-800 I've been paying.
My medical coverage is less than 100 per month. I think that's a great net. And I have vision and dental and life insurance and ad&d and ..... Hoorah!