Did my packing after that long discussion and left several options behind, to strip it down to bare bones and no bad temptations. ;-)
Stopped by Mervyn's and bought two pairs of dressier black slacks. Must remember to take price tags off ;-) Looked over the Sag Harbor stuff, which I love, but they were all either poly shirts (Bleh) or sweaters. Since I am overly hot in most buildings anyway, wearing anything that would add a look of sweat beaded on my forehead is probably not a good idea.
Schedule has been moved to noon == Lunch meeting with hiring boss first! Ack. I'll likely eat something just before I go so that I won't end up wearing my food!!! I hate interviews over meals, don't you?
cnewsonsmith helped me make the final cut on clothes and shirt, which jacket, etc. She has great business clothing sense. Now to press everything (I didn't bother to do that before I threw it in the suitcase).
Good/bad news: I've lost enough weight that my black skirt no longer fits firmly against my waist but has 2-3 fingers of room. I can put it on over my head without unzipping. However, it is comfortable and isn't going to slide down; I may wear the new slacks both days anyway, after I put both on and try it out.
Found my black shoes == last time I had an interview down here I arrived with the left shoe from one pair and the right from another. We made an emergency run to KMart at 8 AM. Argh! The shoes were in my Mervyn's locker, which hadn't been emptied yet, so I now have them back. Yeah!
Enough Dithering; got to shower so my hair will dry before I get there!