Pop! I'm awake!

Sep 08, 2005 09:24

At about 4:15 this morning, I was suddenly awake. Not the lazy, drowsy slow return to consciousness that happens when I have the luxury, or the dream with a funny noise that turns out to be Drake trying to wake me up, or the adrenaline jolt that is the alarm clock.

Nope. I was suddenly wide awake and aware, functioning at full speed, and it was 5 hours after I'd gone to sleep. I got up and wandered the house, smelling for smoke, etc. I checked the earthquake log: (http://quake.geo.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/finger-quake ) (A pat on the back for anyone who knows why it's called "finger-quake"). No reason. I wasn't hungry, no internal disturbances, etc. I sat up for a bit, until I started to get sleepy again, and went back to bed at 5 am.

Too weird.


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