Fic: 50 Sentences - Oscar/Andy

Nov 18, 2009 04:02

Title: 50 Sentences
Fandom: The Office (US)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Oscar/Andy (with a tiny bit of Oscar/Gil, Jim/Pam, Dwight/Angela, Ryan/Kelly)
Words: 2,264
Summary: 50 brief episodes from various moments of Oscar and Andy’s friendship and relationship
Spoilers: everything up to 6x01 “Gossip”
Author's Note: Written using theme set Alpha from the 1sentence challenge. Basically, these are random brief moments from Oscar and Andy’s relationship (slash and pre-slash). One sentence for each prompt. They’re not in chronological order. Many thanks to my wonderful beta angelascats for making me sound a little bit more American and just generally making sense of these.

50 Sentences
1. Comfort
The day after the duel with Dwight, Oscar buys a pizza and drives to Andy’s apartment after work, and even though he knows Andy is angry with him for not telling him about Angela, he lets him in anyway and they sit together in silence all evening; but when he finally gets up to leave, Oscar thinks he sees Andy give him a small grateful smile.

2. Kiss
Oscar keeps meaning to tell him about their actual first kiss, but somehow, whenever Andy starts reminiscing about the drunk Canada trip, he never brings it up.

3. Soft
Andy’s hands are calloused from playing all those instruments he keeps in his apartment, not as soft as Gil’s, but Oscar always thought Gil had girly hands anyway.

4. Pain
He wakes up, his head throbbing and his mouth dry like sand, and as he rolls over he finds Andy Bernard sleeping next to him (still in his clothes, thank God), and Oscar breathes in deeply and waits for the memories from last night to come flooding back.

5. Potatoes
Oscar discovers that Andy likes to cut his boiled potatoes into little squares that he calls his potato soldiers who defend the meat on his plate against the encroaching vegetables, and when he realizes he finds this more endearing than annoying, Oscar knows he’s in trouble.

6. Rain
Oscar’s favourite sound in the world is the sound of the rain dancing on his window to the tune of Andy playing the guitar in his living room.

7. Chocolate
Oscar has made it clear that he does not want anyone to know about them, but Andy is becoming quite good at leaving his favorite sweets and chocolates in places around the office where Oscar is sure to find them during the day, but that wouldn’t start rumors if they were found by anyone else.

8. Happiness
They sit together in silence, Andy eating his breakfast and Oscar reading the paper, and it’s the most ordinary thing in the world.

9. Telephone
Oscar doesn’t see Andy all weekend because Andy said he has to record a new ringtone for his phone and obviously that’s much more important than helping Oscar paint his spare room.

10. Ears
When Andy asks him if he should get an ear ring and which one’s the gay ear again, Oscar just sighs.

11. Name
Oscar is still trying to figure out if Andy really spends most of his working days coming up with new ridiculous nicknames for him, like he suspected at first, or if it’s just one of his natural gifts.

12. Sensual
Andy’s touch is hesitant and shy, but this is so much better than any of Oscar’s fantasies.

13. Death
It’s taken Oscar months to get it into Andy’s head that he doesn’t want to make their relationship public to most of his friends and family, but when Oscar’s mother dies, Andy just gets in the car with him, drives him home and stands next to him at the funeral, quietly holding his hand, and Oscar is more grateful than words could ever say.

14. Sex
Honestly, Oscar thinks, I’m much too old to talk a 36 year old man through his first foray into gay sex.

15. Touch
They go to the movies and the only film neither of them is completely opposed to is “Up”, which Andy has seen before and Oscar isn’t really interested in, but that’s okay, because they kind of get distracted as soon as the cinema goes dark anyway.

16. Weakness
He bumps into Gil one night, who’s just been left by his new young lover and they almost do something really stupid, until Oscar remembers the guy from work who’s engaged to the Ice Queen and beside that probably isn’t into guys at all, but Oscar doesn’t know for sure, and so he sends Gil home unsatisfied and curses Canada and the world in general.

17. Tears
He’s secretly glad Kevin is sitting between them at Jim and Pam’s wedding, because when he notices Andy’s crying, Oscar has the almost overwhelming desire to put his arm around him.

18. Speed
The day after their first big argument Oscar calls to say, “Why don’t you come over and we can talk about it?” and when Andy arrives on his doorstep it’s tense and neither of them is ready to apologise yet, but Oscar knows that there’s no way he could have made it to his house in 12 minutes without breaking a bunch of speed limits, and that’s gotta count for something, right?

19. Wind
At first Oscar believes it’s the wind, and then he thinks Andy is talking in his sleep, until he realizes that Andy is actually whispering to him very quietly, which, to be fair, Oscar finds a little weird and creepy - that is, until he starts listening to what Andy is saying.

20. Freedom
Oscar is on vacation in Maine and he doesn’t even want to think about work or his co-workers for the entire week, but somehow he ends up calling Andy and talking about the most random stuff before the first day is over.

21. Life
From his desk Oscar watches his boyfriend play-fight Dwight on the floor like they’re 12-year-olds, and this really isn’t how he thought his life would turn out to be.

22. Jealousy
It’s only later that Oscar wonders why he was never jealous of Angela after what happened between him and Andy in Canada, but he figures it’s probably because somehow he always knew that the wedding would never happen and he feels a little guilty.

23. Hands
At the Christmas party they watch Jim and Pam kiss under the mistletoe, Ryan and Kelly make out by the photocopier and Oscar could swear he saw Dwight and Angela leave together a few minutes ago, and he knows how hard it must be for Andy, so when their hands accidentally brush over Phyllis’ brownies, Oscar looks up at him and silently tries to convey to him that he will make it up to him as soon as they get out of there.

24. Taste
Oscar likes going out for cocktails with Andy, because he loves the way they make Andy’s lips taste when they kiss much later at night.

25. Devotion
Of course he’s seen what Andy was like with Angela, but it’s only now that Oscar is starting to realize that even if given the opportunity, Andy would probably never even consider cheating on someone, and that alone makes for a nice change for once.

26. Forever
Oscar knows that he’s the kind of person who will stay with someone out of habit, even after the relationship is long dead, but with Andy, he thinks, they’re so different from each other that it may actually work, because every day is like a little surprise.

27. Blood
Even now every time they have a fight, some tiny treacherous part in Oscar’s mind still expects Andy to punch the wall, or punch him and draw blood, but of course it never happens because that was then and this is now, and even in moments like this Oscar would trust him with his life if necessary.

28. Sickness
After taking care of a sick Andy all weekend, he is almost looking forward to going back to the office for once, until he discovers that Michael’s got a cold too, and for a split second he actually considers a transfer to Utica.

29. Melody
Oscar can hold a tune and sing along to the radio, but Andy sometimes makes up entirely new songs just to gently wake Oscar up in the morning.

30. Star
“That one there, that’s our lucky star,” Andy whispers to him and squeezes his hand as they’re sitting on the hood of his car, and Oscar just doesn’t have the heart to tell him that that’s actually a plane probably heading toward New York City.

31. Home
One Saturday, when Andy leaves early to visit his parents in Connecticut, Oscar gets up, and noticing Andy’s toothpaste in the bathroom, his favorite cereals in the kitchen cupboard and the Lethal Weapon box set next to Oscar’s Wim Wenders DVD collection, he suddenly realizes that they’re living together.

32. Confusion
Once, just before his break-up with Gil, he told the camera crew he wanted to try girls for a while, and he probably meant it at the time, until about a week later when he walked into the men’s room just as Andy was changing his shirt after a little incident with his morning coffee.

33. Fear
Oscar hears the fear in Andy’s voice when he asks, “Michael, am I gay?”, as if he’s asking his doctor if it’s cancer, and Oscar’s heart breaks a little.

34. Lightning/Thunder
Turns out they were both afraid of thunder storms as kids and that both their mothers used to give them raspberry jelly to calm them down, and like Andy says, if that’s not a sign, then he doesn’t know what is.

35. Bonds
On their second anniversary Andy goes down on one knee and offers him a white gold ring, and Oscar has to remind him that gay marriage still isn’t legal in Pennsylvania, but if he has to be honest, that doesn’t really matter at this very moment.

36. Market
Oscar loves going to the flea market with Andy on Saturday mornings; not because there’s anything he likes to buy, but because it’s always busy enough that he can hold hands with him and no one will notice.

37. Technology
The day Andy discovers Twitter is the day Oscar almost decides to move to some remote village in Paraguay in pre-emptive shame.

38. Gift
After months of not-so-subtle hints from Oscar, Gil gave him a ticket for the Met for his birthday - only one because Gil never liked opera - so when Oscar unwraps Andy’s Christmas present and finds two tickets plus a gift certificate for that lovely little ice cream place a few blocks down from the Met he told Andy about ages ago, Oscar is at a loss for words.

39. Smile
Andy has noticed that Oscar doesn’t smile much when he’s in the office, which is a shame, so he makes it his mission to make him smile as much as he can during their shared lunches.

40. Innocence
Oscar doesn’t think he’s ever met anyone who can spout out so much frat boy innuendo and at the same time be so innocent and blindly trusting when it comes to actual human relationships.

41. Completion
When they finally do tell their families, friends and the people in the office, it’s like everything suddenly falls into place and Oscar knows that this is right, despite Angela’s glare, Kevin’s giggles and Michael’s comments.

42. Clouds
Every time they drive to work together, Andy likes to play spot-clouds-that-are-shaped-like-US-states, and naturally, he always wins.

43. Sky
On his way to work that morning, Oscar can’t stop thinking about the cardboard boxes filled with Gil’s stuff sitting in his hallway that will be gone by the time he gets back from work and God, he’s going to die a lonely old man, but then, in the parking lot, he passes Andy Bernard, who he’s never really talked to much and who’s now waving at the sky calling “what a beautiful morning” with the widest grin on his face, and Oscar can’t help but smile for the first time in days.

44. Heaven
Andy almost skips into the office that morning, because it’s quarterly expense report day, which means that he and Oscar will hide in the conference room for as long as they can get away with, pretending to sort out some discrepancies in his report, while really discussing last night’s episode of Lost.

45. Hell
Oscar barely makes it from his car to the office building, because he knows that Andy and Jim are out on sales calls all day today, Michael will probably leave Dwight in charge, Pam’s pregnant and always throwing up and therefore constantly in a bad mood, and he really doesn’t know what he’s done to deserve this on his birthday.

46. Sun
Andy tells him on their lunch break that it’s just not working out with Erin, that there’s something missing, and when they leave after work that day to go to Poor Richard’s to get drunk Oscar looks up at bright blue sky and smiles, because it’s a beautiful day.

47. Moon
Oscar can’t drive them home, because somehow Andy got him to drink and now they’re both drunk and they have to walk home through the smelly, moon-lit streets of downtown Scranton, but Oscar doesn’t care right now, and he thinks Andy doesn’t either.

48. Waves
Oscar’s sitting a little apart from the others after they’ve finished Michael’s silly beach games, and he staring at the gentle movement of Lake Scranton, pondering the future of the office and his job, when he suddenly hears someone shouting for help that sounds suspiciously like Andy Bernard.

49. Hair
“If you ever go bald, I will have to leave you,” Andy says with a weird intensity as he’s running his hand through Oscar’s thick curls, and Oscar doesn’t stop laughing till it’s time to get out of bed.

50. Supernova
When Gil asks him how his first day back in the office was, he doesn’t even bother telling him about the new guy punching a hole in the wall, because he knows Gil would never understand why an outburst like that made him smile.

the office, fanfic

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