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Oct 13, 2008 20:03

Here's my report from RTD's booksigning in Cardiff on Friday and his and JB's talks at the Cheltenham Literature Festival yesterday.

First off, RTD really is as lovely and witty and funny and clever in real life as I've always suspected. I find him absolutely fascinating to listen to. And he's really sweet with children, too. lol
So, Friday, long queuing, yadda yadda. Russell was being a gentleman and talked to every one of us, asked questions, etc. When it was my turn he asked if I'd been waiting long and where I'm from. I told him that I'll be doing my masters in film producing next year (no, I wasn't just bragging, I did have a point, just wait for it, 'kay?) and that his work has been a huge inspiration to me, so I said thanks for that. First thing he said was, "So maybe you'll be employing me then?" Ah. Ahaha. Hah... I can only hope and dream. ;-) Then he said the book wasn't just about the writing of DW, but also about the whole process of producing it, so I could see how much work it was and so on, to which I said, yeah, I know, the book scares me! lol (No, honestly.) He then said, "I hope it works out for you", and I know it's just one of those things you say in a situation like that, but it still makes me happy.
Benjamin Cook, his co-writer on the book, was also there, and my, he's good-looking. He's also a nice bloke. I had a quick chat with him about still being up and writing emails at 3 o'clock at night, and why it's so much better to work late.

Yesterday, after almost 4 years of accidentally and unsuccessfully stalking John Barrowman, I finally got to see him in the flesh.
His talk with his sister Carole was very entertaining. They retold some of the stories from the book, and they talked about how and why they did it.
Here's the stuff I hadn't heard before: According to his manager Gavin John's going on tour again in May next year. John and Gavin are also setting up their own production company. Carole is over in the UK at the moment cos she and John are writing another book. And there's currently no plans for Jack to appear in DW again (yet, John said. We should all write to The Moff.)
John also told a very funny story which happened just the other night. Apparently he woke up at 4am with pains in his chest or something and then started to moan loudly and call Scott's name. Carole, in her room at the other end of the house, came to the rather wrong conclusion about what was going on. She said she was very relieved when John told her the following morning that he'd 'only' almost had a heart attack. lol

The RTD and JB talk (with the lovely Caitlin Moran as the moderator/interviewer) was fantastic. Russell did a bit on his own before they brought John out, and much as I love and adore John, I almost wish they'd let Russell talk on his own for a wee bit longer.
Anyway, John and Russell were very funny together, too. They almost gave each other and poor Caitlin coronaries from laughter a couple of times. lol
As I already said in my post yesterday, Russell loves Merlin (and also Robin Hood, Primeval and Heroes, but he did make a snide remark about the "difficult second season" of the latter, mwuaha), though he also said he probably watches it for different reasons than some viewers. *wink* *wink* Yeah, Russell, you're not alone there. A little later he suggested a Merlin/Queer as Folk crossover.
Caitlin Moran actually mentioned John's sexcapades in Cameron Macintosh's garden, which I thought was hilarious, but they didn't get into it, cos there were kids in the audience.
Russell said he knows the last 10 scenes of his last DW. He doesn't know the very last line, but he knows the second to last.
John admitted he fancies DT (no, really? lol).
Russell told a story of John's audition, which even John hadn't heard before. John was actually the only candidate for the role of Jack, but they invited him for an audition to "make sure he's not ancient", I think were Russell's words. lol So John auditioned, then he left the room, and after Russell and Phil Collinson heard him walking away, they just turned to each other and went *dreamy sigh*. Haha! (Only John had forgotten his motorcycle helmet and came back in, to Russell and Phil's embarrassment. lol)
I actually love that about Russell, how he's really not ashamed to admit he fancies a lot of the actors he works with. (You should hear him when he's talking about Russell Tovey.) If he was a straight writer talking like that about actresses, I'm sure some people would be shouting harassment or some crap like that, but I just find it refreshing and very funny. Not to mention that most of the time I completely agree with him. Heh.
A guy in the audience asked John about using Botox, and John said yes, he's used it, but it was a while ago, and what we see now is all natural.
Apparently Lis Sladen is "a naughty lady". lol Dear God.
Someone asked Russell why he always gives the Doctor female companions. He said it's because there still aren't enough good and major female parts on television, which he thinks is a disgrace. And I admire his work in that respect, cos just as he's done so much to increase the visibility of gay characters on TV, over the years he's also created some absolutely wonderful female lead characters. He also said he's proud to have given great parts to Penelope Wilton, Lis Sladen and even Catherine Tate, as you'd never see actresses of their age in major roles in action and sci fi dramas on American television.
Russell is also proud that the writers on DW are getting so much recognition, and he's flattered when people recognise him in the street. He also said he's proud of his OBE because they hardly ever give one to writers, not to mention television writers. And, of course, he's gay, so there's another reason why he's proud to have got it.
Apparently there are plans to create a whole new studio for DW, the spin-offs and other BBC Wales dramas right by the bay, next to the St Davids Hotel, which Russell would love to see, cos then they could have guided tours of the sets all the time, which he thinks is a great idea.
Russell is very excited about TW s3, and he's very happy about how it's all coming together.
He was asked if the Doctor would ever appear on TW, to which he said absolutely not, cos that would cross a line.
The villains in s3 are just called the 456, as Russell thinks not giving certain villains a name (such as the unnamed aliens that destroyed Jack's home) actually makes them much scarier.
And finally, Russell revealed the real names of the Doctor and Jack. The Doctor is Keith Who. Jack's real name is Colin Malone. LOL

Sorry for the slight incoherentness. I'm tired.

torchwood, doctor who

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