coral gardens week #5

Nov 25, 2011 21:33

Whitetip shark over hard corals garden at shark Reef shallows, Fiji

Nikon D300 + Nikkor 10.5mm, Pro One dome port, strobes Sea&Sea YS-250 x 2

this image is not cropped, very slight contrast adjustment in Adobe Lightroom

Location on Google Maps

Wikipedia reference

Who said that if we have coral gardens week we can't have coral garden with the nice shark on the top of it ? Fijian shark Reef features very pretty shallows which span from surface to the about 3.5m deep covered with very healthy hard coral population. This environment looks even prettier when whitetip, blacktip and grey reef sharks start cruising over it - magic dance of grey photogenic creatures in the magic colorful garden. Fantastic sight to behold !

I'm so impressed with 1150px wide image format - it changes experience of photo viewing quite a bit. I'm leaving to Cape Town on Tuesday, and still have few days left - so I want to dedicate next week to my favorite subject - diving cape gannets - republished in stunning 1150px wide format ! ^_^

hard corals, fiji, sharks, week008, whitetip shark

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