"It was a Monday, a day like any other day..."

Sep 22, 2009 11:17

I'm sorry this is a few days late. It was a busy weekend. And this week's will probably take just as long to post, unless I decide to post it without writing down the quotes. We'll see how I'm feeling after Thursday. Anyway, last week's episode was another awesome one, this season has definitely gotten off to a good start!

Remember the days when we used to be able to watch an episode of Supernatural without crying? Remember the days of episodes like Hell House, Tall Tales, Hollywood Babylon or Ghostfacers? I never thought I’d hear myself say this, but I almost miss those days. I’ve always been a bigger fan of the dramatic episodes, but I’m not sure my heart can take anymore of this!

The second episode of the season was just as good as the first, I can already tell this season is going to be an amazing one. The stakes are higher than ever before, and we really are in the End of Days with Sam and Dean … I mean, the end of the world, not the end of their relationship; because despite the way this episode ended, I know things will get better between them, we have Kripke’s word on that.

I’m looking out for the two of us
I hope we’ll be here when they’re through with us

I’ve always thought this song is perfect for Supernatural; I’ve had it in my Supernatural playlist for a couple years now. I think someone told me they played it last year, but I don’t remember hearing. However, it was perfect for the opening credits of this episode. I wish every episode could open with a classic rock song, not just a few in the beginning and end of each season.

I thought it was cool that we got a look of the sigil Castiel carved into Sam and Dean. I was really curious to see what it would look like. I would have loved to see the expression on the radiologist’s face when they saw that show up on the x-rays! And I liked how they didn’t waste any time answering my question from last week, about how Cas would be able to find Sam and Dean now … though it seems funny to think of Castiel carrying around a cell phone to keep in touch with the boys.

“Enough foreplay. Get over here and lay your damn hands on. Get healing, now!”
“I can’t.”
“Say again.”
“I’m cut off from heaven, much of heaven’s power. Certain things I can do, certain things I can’t.”
“You’re telling me you lost your mojo just in time to get me stuck in this trap the rest of my life?”
“I’m sorry.”

They also didn’t waste any time addressing the issue of Bobby’s wheel chair and whether or not Castiel would be able to hear him. On one hand I’m disappointed that Cas couldn’t heal him, but on the other hand I am impressed that Kripke and Co. aren’t taking the easy way out with that one. It will be interesting to see how Bobby copes with being in a wheel chair … though it’s also a little difficult seeing it for personal reasons. However, I loved how Bobby’s first meeting with Castiel involved Bobby basically giving him orders. I love Bobby.

“There is someone besides Michael strong enough to take on Lucifer, strong enough to stop the apocalypse.”
“Who’s that?”
“The one who resurrected me and put you on that airplane; the one who began everything. God. I’m gonna find God.”

This episode tied up a lot of loose ends from the previous episodes. I had suspected it had to be God who brought Cas back and saved Sam and Dean, but here Castiel proves it. He also implies that God has left heaven for some reason and has to be found. If God isn’t in heaven, I suppose I can see how angels like Zach have been able to take over and make a mess of things. What I don’t understand is, God saved Cas, so he must be happy with what Cas is doing, which means he hasn’t technically rebelled, at least not against God. So why has he been cut off? And why do the other angels have enough power to take control and cut Castiel off? And does this remind anyone else of the His Dark Materials trilogy, or is it just me?

“Try New Mexico, I hear he’s on a tortilla.”
“No, he’s not on any flatbread.”

I LOVED this line, one of the best I’ve heard in a while, and I loved Misha’s delivery. I also loved the slight look of confusion on his face, like he just cannot figure out why on earth Dean would be suggesting such a ludicrous idea.

In this scene with Dean Castiel once again displays that he’s come back tougher than he was before; he’s not going to let Dean insult him or belittle the sacrifices he’s made on his behalf. I think I like this tougher Castiel.

The rest of this episode was great. There’s three scenes in particular I want to focus on, but before I do, I just wanted to say that I this this was an excellent episode overall, and a great way to jump right into the apocalypse storyline. I also LOVED that War is driving around in a red mustang (“It’s how I’d roll”). That is just SO Kripke.

I also loved seeing Ellen and Jo again. I was really just starting to like Jo when they got rid of her, so I was actually happy to see her again. Alona Tal seemed really unsure at the Con of how fans would take her presence (she still seems really hurt by the original fan reaction) but I thought she did a great job in this episode and I’m really hoping we can see Ellen and Jo again, especially if this is going to be the last season. I also liked that they’re hunting together. Maybe Dean and Ellen are right, and Jo can’t hack the life, but I have a feeling Ellen makes up for what Jo lacks and they probably make a pretty decent team.

Now I want to focus on what this episode had to say about Sam and Dean’s relationship. Even though this episode seemed to end badly for Sam and Dean, Kripke has told us that this season is about building them up, not tearing them down again, and I think we saw some evidence of that in this episode. It may not be evidence of reconciliation or a quick return to where they used to be, but obvious evidence that though Dean may not trust Sam, he still loves his brother.

The first moment is in Bobby’s hospital room when Castiel asks Dean for his necklace. We all know Sam gave Dean this necklace for Christmas and as far as we know it has only been removed from his body twice; once when the Shifter took it in “Skin” and when Sam took it and wore it after Dean died. Aside from those two cases, Dean has never taken it off and it was obvious he did NOT want to hand it over, not even to an angel, and without it he feels naked. Dean’s hesitancy to give it to Castiel, and his comment about not losing it proves that the necklace, and what it symbolizes, are still very important to Dean.

Now I know some of you have had theories about this necklace and it’s link to Dean never being possessed. So this scene was also an important reveal along those lines, but I think what it said about Dean’s feelings for Sam was much more important right now.

The next moment happened when Ellen came back to the church without Sam. Dean immediately stood up, grabbed his shotgun and headed to the door, ready to rush out and rescue Sam, as always. Granted, this may have just been natural instinct or a force of habit, but I think it shows that Dean’s #1 priority is still to keep Sammy safe. No matter what may have changed between them that much hasn’t changed. Sam will always be his little brother and Dean will always put him before anything else. Even though he did stop himself from heading out there - I think he remembered that helping the innocents was a bigger responsibility at that moment than rushing out unprepared - he still wanted to go and that said a lot.

The final moment occurred at the very end of this episode. Casual viewers (are there casual viewers? Or are all viewers rabid fans like us?) of the series may not have noticed it, but any dedicated fans would have caught it immediately and known what it meant.

“I’m in no shape to be hunting. I need to step back, ‘cause I’m dangerous. Maybe it’s best we just go our separate ways.”
“Well, I think you’re right.”
“I was expecting a fight.”
“The truth is, I spend more time worrying about you than about doing the job right. I just can’t afford that, you know? Not now.”
“I’m sorry, Dean.”
“I know you are, Sam … Hey, do you, uh, wanna take the Impala?”
“It’s okay. Take care of yourself, Dean.”
“Yeah. You too, Sammy.”

This entire conversation was very tramatic. The idea of Sam and Dean willingly separating, for an indefinite amount of time kills me, and not just because every time they’re separated one of them (usually Dean) finds himself tied up. I really hate the idea of them being apart, but maybe it will do them some good? I don’t know. But back to the topic at hand.

I’m sure most of you caught what, in any other show, may have appeared to be an innocent offer of kindness. “…you, uh, wanna take the Impala?” However, anyone who knows Dean knows exactly how much this car means to him. It was a gift from John, it was the safe haven the Winchesters retreated to the night of the fire in their home; it’s the one constant in Dean’s life, this car is more a home to Sam and Dean than anything has been. There have been some great articles written about this car and its importance to the brothers and to the show. This isn’t just any car, its The Impala, Dean’s most prized possession. This car should have been harder for him to part with than the amulet around his neck, yet he offers it to Sam with barely any hesitation.

That offer said more than anything else Dean could possibly have said to Sam in that moment. Sam knows how much Dean loves his car, and for him to be willing to hand it over to Sam is a big deal. It shows that Dean loves Sam more than the car and while he doesn’t trust him as a hunter, Sam is still his brother. This scene more than any other gave me hope that Sam and Dean will recover (while at the same time breaking my heart).

I’m really not looking forward to Sam and Dean being apart. I’m avoiding spoilers, so I don’t know how long it’s going to last, but I’m really hoping not long. I don’t think I can take more than an episode or two. Besides, as I said before, bad things happen when Sam and Dean are apart.

Seeing Sam’s hand running along the Impala as he walked away broke my heart. Again.

It was my destiny
Its what we needed to do
They were telling me
I’m telling you

I was inside looking outside
The millions of faces
But still I’m alone
Waiting, hours of waiting
Paying a penance
I was longing for home

I’m looking out for the two of us
I hope we’ll be here when they’re through with us 
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