Sympathy for the Devil

Sep 11, 2009 11:30

The fifth season has begun! I know I've been neglecting LJ all summer, but I'm back and it felt good to be blogging about a new episode of Supernatural! WIth my work schedule I probably won't be able to do a complete blog for every episode, but I'm going to try post something each week. We'll see how that goes.

And without further preamble (is that even the right word?) Here's my thoughts on last night's premiere!

First of all, “Thunderstruck” was an appropriate choice to recap season 4 and open season 5 because it pretty much described how I felt through most of this episode. I know I should be used to it by now, but I never cease to be amazed at the awesomeness of this show. Only Supernatural could combine something as heavy as Armageddon with the humor of a slash fan realizing Sam Winchester is a real person.

It felt so good to be watching an all-new episode of Supernatural last night. And this one was certainly worth the wait, picking up right where season 4 left off, with the doorway opening and Lucifer escaping. One minute Sam and Dean are trapped in there with Lucifer, in pain from what I’m assuming was the sound of his real voice, and the next minute they’re miles above earth … like a page out of Dean’s worst nightmare. Then, mysteriously they’re back on earth, cruising down the road, but not in the Impala.

The first few minutes of this episode seemed a little rushed, and they never did explain what was going on. I’m assuming Sam and Dean landed safely in the plane and stole a car from the airport parking lot. I really have few complaints about this episode, I think it was amazing, but that is one. The beginning just felt a little jumpy.

I love that Dean learned a few things from Cas, such as the sigil for sending the angels away. But again, this felt a little rushed, since I’m not sure how they could have drawn that without us seeing. I also kind of loved the way he referred to Cas as his friend.

The slash fan was hilarious. “Sam is it really you? And you’re so firm!” I loved how she could keep her hands off Sam, so much like so many fans out there! And no, I wasn’t implying any of us are like that … not at all.

It took me a second to figure out why Bobby had the Impala, till I remembered that obviously Dean hadn’t taken it with him when the angels abducted him last year. I was shocked with the way Bobby treated Sam, but it never really occurred to me that he could be possessed, until he punched Dean and it was obvious. I mean, what he was saying was harsh, and deep down I knew Bobby could never turn his back on Sam - he himself sais he loved Sam like a son - but the way he said it was so like Bobby that I never suspected it wasn’t really him. I just thought he was mad and would get over it. Then he goes and tells Dean that maybe John was right. “He ended the world, Dean, and you and I weren’t strong enough to stop him proper. That’s on us. I’m just saying your dad was right.” I think this statement was more chilling than the way he treated Sam.

I was actually glad when Bobby punched Dean, because it meant he was obviously possessed and had never said any of those things.  While I never really believed he could disown Sammy that way, it was still awful (I actually cried a little there). I really loved how in the end Bobby was able to fight hard enough that the demon wasn’t able to kill Dean, Bobby was able to stab himself instead and save Dean. (Was anyone else reminded of a similar situation, where Azazel was about to have John kill Dean but John fought it?) It wasn’t until the very end of the episode that it occurred to me that Possessed!Bobby had driven the Impala to meet the boys, which means a demon was behind the wheel of the Metallicar and that’s just wrong. Another Bobby thought: How was a demon able to possess him? I thought Bobby of all people would have taken all the precautions possible to avoid possession. It seems strange that a demon would have been able to get the jump on him.

Rachel Miner did a pretty good job as Meg. I’m hoping Meg sticks around this season (I’m staying spoiler-free, so don’t tell me!) It’ll be fun to have her around again. I really liked Meg.

-What do you mean I’m the sword?
- You’re Michael’s weapon … or, rather, his receptacle.
- I’m a vessel?
- You’re the vessel. Michael’s vessel.
- How? Why me?
- Because you’ve been chosen. It’s a great honor Dean.
- Oh yeah, life as an angel condom. That’s real fun. I think I’ll pass, thanks.

Dean is a vessel. I’m really glad I re-watched “Rapture” last week, because I had something to draw on during this scene. In “Rapture” they said the vessels are special, it’s “in their blood” or something, didn’t they? So that means Dean has special blood. Of course we all knew Dean was special, and I know a lot a theories has been discussed to that effect, since Dean has never been possessed or anything. I just find it interesting that Dean has this special trait, and Sammy is specialer (yes, I know that’s bad grammar and I don’t care) than the other special kids … maybe that’s why Azazel liked Mary so much? He sensed something in her blood?

And if the angels knew Dean was a special vessel, pretty much custom built for Michael himself, why the hell didn’t they keep him out of hell in the first place? Oh right, I forgot, they wanted to jumpstart the apocalypse. Idgits.

- How are you-
- Alive? That’s a good question. How did these two end up on that airplane? Another good question, because the angels didn’t do it. I think we both know the answer, don’t we?
- No. That’s not possible.
- It scares you, doesn’t it? Well it should. Now put these boys back together and go. I won’t ask twice.

So, Castiel wasn’t quite as dead as the other angels would like us to believe. His reply as to how he was still alive was somewhat vague, but it seemed to upset Zach. I’m thinking maybe God himself resurrected Cas, and rescued Sam and Dean. I mean, Zach doesn’t seem too concerned about going up against Lucifer, but the thought of who could have save Cas and Sam and Dean seemed to terrify him. And I’m thinking there’s probably only one being in this world who could actually scare Zach. So, if God’s on Castiel’s side, then he probably doesn’t approve of this whole apocalypse plan. It’ll be interesting to see how that plays out. I’m excited Cas is still going to be around this season. Obviously I love Misha, but I really think it will be interesting to see where his story goes from here, now that he’s officially rebelled from the Plan.

At VanCon someone asked Misha if he thought Jimmy was still inside Cas, of if only Cas had been resurrected and Jimmy was gone. Now I really understand what that question meant, and it’s an interesting one. It would be nice to think that Jimmy was resurrected with the body, that he’s still in there somewhere and might be able to resume control when the battle is over, but I’m not sure that’s the case. I have a feeling the body and Cas were the only ones resurrected and Jimmy is now gone. Which may actually be better for Jimmy; maybe he’s at peace somewhere.

Random question: If that Enochian Sigil (sp?) prevents any angel from being able to track Sam and Dean, how will Castiel be able to find them? Maybe since he’s the one who carved the sigil he’ll be able to tack them? Or maybe he has some other way of keeping tabs on them?

I gotta say, I was a little disappointed we didn’t get to actually see Mark Pellegrino playing Lucifer in this episode. I was really looking forward to how he would play it, but he did a great job playing the grieving husband/father thinking he’s losing his mind. I’m really looking forward to seeing him actually playing Lucifer in the future. I think he’s going to do a good job.

Sam, I was awake. I know what I said back there. I just want you to know that that was the demon talking. I ain’t cutting you out boy, not ever.

This brought more tears of course. I love Bobby so much! I knew that even if Sam helped start the apocalypse he couldn’t just write him off. I’m curious to see what will happen to Bobby now, will he be able to walk again? Because how can he come to Sam and Dean’s rescue when he can’t walk or drive? Maybe they can get Cas to heal him?

-Is there something you want to say to me?
- I tried Sammy. I mean, I really tried, but I just can’t keep pretending that everything’s alright, because it’s not and it’s never going to be. You chose a demon over your own brother and look what happened.
- I would give anything, anything to take it all back.
- I know you would, and I know how sorry you are, I do, but man, you were the one that I depended on the most and you let me down in ways that I can’t even … I’m just having a hard time forgiving and forgetting, you know?
- What can I do?
- Honestly? Nothing. I just don’t … I don’t think we can ever be what we were, you know. I just don’t think I can trust you.

Once again Jared and Jensen hit it out of the park with this final scene. The emotion was perfect. And as much as I want everything to be back to normal between them, I know it can’t, not yet. They went through a lot last year and now the apocalypse has begun, you can’t just forgive and forget stuff like that over night. It will take some time, but hopefully Sam will be able to regain Dean’s trust.

This was a terrific premiere, and I am so glad to have this show back! It really set the stage for Armageddon this season, and I can’t wait to see where we go from here. Whether or not this season is the last, I know it’s going to be an amazing ride.

winchesters, supernatural

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