Sam and Dean discover Supernatural fandom

Apr 03, 2009 10:17

I LOVED last nights episode!!! It's going on my list of favorites for sure. Here's some thoughts about it!

Supernatural episodes typically fall between two extremes. There’s the outrageously funny episodes (Tall Tales, Hollywood Babylon etc.) That have little to do with the overall arc and there’s the extremely angsty episodes that are all about the arc (On The Head of a Pin, and almost every other episode this season). Naturally, a number of episodes will fall between those extremes and even the angstier eps can have at least one or too giggle-worthy moments.

However, this last episode, “The Monster at the End of the Book” was a melding of the two extremes. We started out on one end of the spectrum, giggling uncontrollably as the boys learned about the Supernatural book series and discovered the world of Samgirls and Deangirls (and Slash fans). Then, 20 minutes later we’re suddenly thrown back into the battle between good and evil as we learn that Chuck is a prophet and the episode goes all ansgty on us. Is anyone else’s neck hurting this morning from that whiplash?

I have yet to watch this episode again, which I really wanted to do before writing this, but I decided to share a few first impressions.

Naturally, I absolutely adored this episode, and I don’t usually like the funny ones on the first time around. I think it was because this was the perfect blending of the funny and the angst. I also loved that this was a shout-out to the fans. Those of us who are die-hard SnObs could really appreciate this episode.

There were so many classic moments, the comic-geek telling the boys about larping, Dean discovering slash, the Laundromat scene (“I can’t see you’re face, but those are definitely your brooding and pensive shoulders.”) and the scene in the diner with the boys “not” fighting.

But there were some really classic angst moments too. I loved Chuck calling Sam out on the demon blood and telling him it makes him an unsympathetic character, and that it’s wrong. I really think Sam needed to hear that from someone else. I don’t think it’ll stop him, not yet anyway, but it’s a start.

I also loved every moment with Castiel in it. I was a little suspicious of him at the beginning of the season, but I really love him now. I loved how he just appeared and yelled at Dean to leave Chuck alone. And I love how he makes earth-shattering revelations, “He is a prophet of the Lord.” Misha delivered that line so well! My favorite Castiel moment (and my favorite Dean moment) was by far the scene outside the motel, when Castiel is “not” helping Dean stop Lilith. Misha and Jensen both played that scene so well.

I loved that Sammy never really considered taking Lilith’s deal, that he went for the knife to try to kill her instead. Go Sammy! But I’m a little concerned that Lilith is as immune to Sam as Sam is to her. And she can destroy a Devil’s Trap? What the Frak? What kind of demon can do that? Is that why it took so much to bind Alistair when the angels had him? Because his eyes were white too, so they must be on the same level in the demon hierarchy.

The ending was a little ominous. I don’t know what to think about Zachariah. I don’t know if I really trust him at all. I’m trying really hard to stay spoiler-free, but I think Ausiello’s season ending spoiler had something to do with him, but I don’t really want to figure out what, because I have a feeling it’s pretty big.

This is shorter than usual, and I know I probably missed a lot that I would normally have included, but like I said I haven’t re-watched it yet and I haven’t copied all my quotes down (and there are going to be a lot from this episode). I think this is going on my list of favorites. I can’t possibly pick one overall favorite, but this one definitely ranks near the top. It was definitely an awesome episode.

The next episode doesn’t air until April 23, and it’s the one I’ve accidentally been spoiled about (somewhat at least, I don’t know how things are going to turn out). I won’t say too much to ruin it for you spoilerphobes. I’m going to trust Kripke&Co and hope things work out, but I’m a little wary of it. We’ll see what happens.


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