Death Takes a Holiday ... but the Angst Doesn't

Mar 18, 2009 16:43

I had trouble writing a review for this episode. This blog doesn't really qualify either, but it's the most I could do. I seem to be having trouble putting my thoughts on this episode into words.

I know I promised to have a review written on Death Takes a Holiday several days ago, and here we are almost Thursday again, and I still haven’t written. And while this blog is about that episode, I wouldn’t consider it a review exactly. For some reason I seem to be having some sort of mental block where this episode is concerned. It’s not because I didn’t enjoy the episode, because I really did, but for some reason I just can’t write about it.

This episode was full of everything that makes Supernatural great. It made me laugh, cry, scream at the TV and want to strangle each Winchester at least once (and I do mean all THREE Winchesters, but more on that later). There was also an ever-present weight throughout this episode; the weight of the world maybe. You could feel the tension growing. This season just keeps getting darker and angstier and I’m really not sure I like where it’s going. Not because I don’t trust Kripke, but because I really don’t know if I want to see how this season ends. Considering where we’ve been, and the tone of this season it can only end badly. Very badly. I have this horrible feeling that the ending of this season could change the Winchesters’ lives, and ours, forever.

Maybe it’s this sense of dread and foreboding that’s preventing me from being able to write my normal review, or maybe it’s something else that I just haven’t been able to put my finger on yet. Whatever it is, I definitely feel like I’m up against a mental wall. However, there are a few thoughts that I wanted to share.

The two warnings at the end of this episode have been haunting me (and I’m sure you as well) all week. I can’t even begin to understand them. But I know they mean bad things are coming. Really bad.

“Stop lying to yourself Dean … The angels have something good in store for you; a second chance. Really? Cause I’m pretty sure, deep down, you know something nasty’s coming down the road. Trust your instincts, Dean. There’s no such thing as miracles.”

Tessa’s warning to Dean has me concerned. When Castiel first appeared on the scene I was fairly convinced he was not who he said he was. In fact, I was pretty convinced he was the exact opposite. My theory was that he was actually one of the Fallen, who followed Lucifer to hell, not an angel sent by God. Over the course of the season I’ve come to believe that Castiel is actually sincere, at least in his belief that he is doing what is right. But I’m concerned about their real plans for Dean. There are a lot of good hunters out there, why go through all the trouble to recruit Dean? What is special about him? There must be something. And Tessa’s warning has me worried that whatever that something is, it doesn’t necessarily require Dean to walk away with his life. The same goes for Sam. I’m sure Uriel wouldn’t be too disappointed if Sammy didn’t survive what was coming.

“If you think you have good intentions, think again.”

Pamela’s warning to Sam was even more disconcerting. The literal meaning was pretty clear, what Sam’s been doing with Ruby is bad news, and leads down a road Sam really shouldn’t be traveling. We all knew that. However, I have a feeling there’s more to this warning than that. Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but the way the statement was worded was quite ominous.

If someone thinks they have good intentions, doesn’t that usually mean they probably do? But if Sam is wrong about having good intentions, then he must have other intentions, right? Something darker, more selfish, that we don’t know about. Something he probably hasn’t even admitted to himself yet.

And isn’t it ironic how it all comes full circle? After three years I have a feeling we are back where we were in Season 2, guessing at the meaning behind John’s warning to Dean. You guys know I love Papa Winchester, but right now I’m pissed at him. I feel like this rift between the boys is largely his fault. His warning to Dean is the entire reason Dean doesn’t trust Sam’s powers. Granted, I don’t trust them either, but maybe if John had kept his mouth shut Dean would have been a little more open-minded and Sam wouldn’t feel the need to be so secretive around him. Also, if John had just been more honest from the beginning, tell Sam and Dean what he had learned about Sam, maybe things wouldn’t be getting this bad between the brothers.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt this concerned heading into a season finale, and we still have several episodes to go. I’m eagerly anticipating each new episode, but at the same time I’m almost afraid to watch. Something truly dark awaits the fate of the Winchesters this season, and I have a feeling this is going to be the longest summer hiatus ever.


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