Oct 22, 2004 09:40
my sister asked me if i was moving back to buffalo. she said there were rumors going around. among who? and who cares enough to talk about me and where i am living? Alison Alison Alison...
last night was fun. good drum and bass. my french girl, laezia (yo, i dont know how to spell it, but i know theres a Z in the middle) came, and she is awsome. i am going to take her to reggae sunday night.
I really like having a few close friends, rather than handfulls of friends who i have to small talk with all the time. who dont really know me, and i dont really know them. and most of the time it will never get beyond this. arg its too early and i'm too hungover to make sense of what i am talking about right now. lets just say i dig my friends. i dig the people who i meet and we have a real wonderful conversation. i thrive on beautiful words and ideas, of others. what they are thinking and feeling. something deeper. I would prefer to not talk to anyone for 5 days, not a single word. then, to be able to talk to someone comfortably and beautifuly and connect for as little as an hour would be as if I chit chatted with every strandger and semi-acquaintance for a month straight. there is more depth. I like depth. more heart in what they are saying. I like heart. I love heart. passion. all those involved are genuine. interested and interesting. this is me.
I want my next tattoo to represent this side of me. well, its more than just a side of me. this is all of me. I was thinking, what about a passion flower. oh no wait, a passion flower was named by the spaniards when they came here because it looked like jesus and his crown of thorns. scratch that idea. hm..but what. its more than a simple heart. I just use the word heart becuase that is what I associate emotion to living in. All emotion, all ability. it lies in the heart, the core of the person. the life force. your brain could be dead, but as long as you heart is still beating. striving. it pushes you. it pushes me. i put so much passion into everything i do. someitmes i'm a bum, being lazy and a bum has nothing to do with passion. having passion for life is not about being constantly on the go. it is also about taking time to step back and look at yourself and what you are doing. careing enough to evaluate your situation. this is ME.