May 16, 2007 16:44
As most of you know, I've been pretty sick for the past 10 days or so. I saw a doctor last Monday and was given penicillin for strep/tonsillitis. While taking the meds, I become sicker and sicker. My symptoms got worse and I started getting other symptoms as well. My throat and the roof of my mouth look terrible at this point. It's covered with red pin prick dots, extremely sore, and that I have developed a bad ear ache. I check my ear and notice reddish gunk. Not cool at all, but I figure that maybe these are just the side effects and that they will go away soon enough. On Sunday, I wake up having the hardest time breathing. So I call up my pharmacist and they advise me to stop taking it. Throughout the day, I have issues with breathing and blurred vision. I call my brother to let him know that if I need to go to the hospital later that he has to drive me there. But I figured I'd make it through the night and I'd just wait until I could talk with my doctor the next day. Monday rolls around, I try to talk to my doctor and they give me the run around. Tell me to wait until the next day for them to try and get me scheduled in. No dice. I called them this morning at 8am when their offices opened to insure I would be able to be seen. Spent almost 30 minutes on hold only to be told that I should have called at 8am because they are booked already. She tells me to call tomorrow to see if I can get in. It was a very frustrating morning. I called several doctors, but many of them are hesitant to sign new patients especially those with no insurance. So I'm super bummed and sickly.
Around noon, I start getting really bad cold sweats, a fever, and some new found body aches with my throbbing ear and throat pains. My nausea kicks it up into high gear. So I call up Annette to help calm me down a bit. I get the urge to puke, so I get off the phone with her. I start coughing up blood into a paper towel and realize this is really serious. My dad then rushes me to the ER. They check my stats, my blood pressure is pretty high and they admit me. Comes back that I have an upper respiratory infection and a bad bladder infection. They give me new meds and send me on my way. I have an outstanding bill with them from before so I wonder if that's the reason they didn't give me anymore tests to check for the reason I was coughing up blood. They told me it could be from anything and also that I should probably talk to my doctor in the next few days and see about getting tested for tuberculosis. My father laughed at the idea of it. Stupid fuckin' med students. Chances of me having that are almost slim to none though so I don't know why they didn't just test me why I was there considering it's serious. Those fucks. But I do feel a bit better right now with new meds and I hope this is a growing trend. I'm tired of being sick. I have total cabin fever. I can't wait until this is all gone.
I'll be selling stuff off soon to help me with these bills. It's bugging me that I've been down on cash in the past few months.