Apr 10, 2004 19:55
Damn I'm pissed that this original post just froze up on my LJ and I will kill LJ for making me do this again. Since I've found myself with no one to discuss this with or to vent to, I've found my nice little LJ would be a perfect place to do it. If it causes people to hate me, so be it. I don't need you anyway. As I've stated in previous posts, I've gotten a ton of books in the past couple of weeks. Lately that's all I've been doing as opposed to coming online. My head has been in the books and DLing new music to listen to while I'm doing some reading. The more I learn about my American history, the more I find myself not liking it. For the first time in my life have I come across books that don't sugarcoat my history to me. There have been 2 occassions after reading that I just want to throw my book down, tear my flags off my walls and burn them. The thing that keeps me from doing it is the fact that it serves as a reminder to me that the underclass of this country fought under that flag for the sake of freedom we ourselves are still denied. It's my reminder that my history according to the constitution, that now includes me I might add, in it that if I feel the government and state of the nation doesn't suit me or it's citizens..we can abolish it. You want your history...I'll tell it to you in brief. This country was founded for the upperclass European male. The idea of democracy sprang from the Native Americans that were living in their own democracy before they were killed off by Europeans living under monarchy. Democracy wasn't an idea that was just thought up out of nowhere, It was learned about. They did not teach the natives how to live and plant food in this land...it was all vice versa. There is no way they would have learned any of that shit if it wasn't for the help of the natives. Some whites didn't like what this country was founded on and went off to live with Native tribes as opposed to being a part of this country. If they were caught during wars between the two races, they were killed. The plagues and diseases brought over and European advancement in arms are what brought down the Indians. The civil war was fought for States rights..and yes there were racists on both sides of the war. The slavery issue came in as well to give the yankee army a cause, even if there were blacks fighting on both sides of the war. Neither side wanted to see the advancement of the Black race, but felt they shouldn't be enslaved like animals. During reconstruction, when blacks attempted to live like citizens..their schools, churches, stores were burned down by whites. They wanted them to know that they were no better than second class citizens. Eventually our system of segregation spread to South Africa, Bermuda, and European controlled enclaves in China. The tangle of pathology in blacks minds that started back then still exists today. It is true that other immigrant groups faced harsh discrimination from the No Irish Need Apply signs in Boston to the lynching of Italian Americans in New Orleans to the pogroms against Chinese work camps in California. Some white suburbs in the north still shut out Jews and Catholics. Noneoftheless, the segregation and physical violence aimed at blacks in this country has been a higher order of magnitude. If the blacks had experienced only white indifference..rather than violent resistance..they would have continued to live their lifes like ordinary citizens. Their problem was not black failure..it was white racism. The blacks lost hope during this time, their family instability, and crime increased because they were shut out if they succeeded. Nowadays things are different and people have the option change that way of thinking and succeed on their own terms. Whites have accomplishments, some blacks have accomplishments, as do other races. History still plays a big part in everything and it should be taught truthfully to our citizens. How can we expect this nation to learn from mistakes of it's past and move the fuck on? Our ancestors fucked up. This country shouldn't continue on this fuck up cycle. That's only a small part of history though. There's tons more that I'm sure would interest those that are into American history, but that's the part that's in my mind at this moment. I just needed to say it. I guess from now on...whatever I read..I'll pass off on here. Thank you for your time.