I know. I’ve been negligent lately. No new original entries for some time. If I had any loyal readers, they have probably wandered off by now in search of more reliable sustenance. I apologize.
It was a combination of just being plain busy and just being plain depressed. The latter mostly because of the outbreak of bloody insanity between Israel and Hezbollah in which the Lebanese people have been the biggest victims.
I started several commentaries on the subject and the related issues. I got fairly far along and a perfectly nice rant about the sudden flood of neo-con intellectuals proclaiming World War Three (or Four or even Five, depending on who is doing the counting.) I also tried to dissect the folly of the Israeli tactics and strategy, which was egged on the by US war planners (read Rumsfeld, et. al) eager to have someone test their theories of how Iranian deep bunkers might be taken out. (Not very easily, it turns out. Back to the drawing board, boys.) I shook my head at the folly of putting foreign policy at least partly in the hands of millennialist Evangelicals whose aim is not to prevent disaster, but hasten Armageddon and the End of Days. And like just about everyone else I tried to read the tea leaves obscured under a Double Mocha Grande to try to see what all of the explosives mean to the future of the Middle East and security in general.
But I gave it up. Others were already writing and saying the same thing better. And I was simply heart sick. Maybe I will be able to revisit some of these themes soon.
In the mean time, I am back in the blogging business. Check out my next post. It is just a little different.
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