Hello and welcome back to Just Dance - An Officially Wacky BoolProp Challenge. In Part One, the second generation had gotten halfway through college. Ozzy, the Pleasure sim heir, was floating by, at serious risk of being put on academic probation. Bowie, the Knowledge sim and oldest of the three, was doing fantastic, with no grade lower than an A+. Olivia, the Family sim, was doing great, having recovered from her average freshman year.
Speaking of Olivia...
Perverted Townie: “You dated a chick????? Maybe y’all could let me watch...”
Olivia: “That’s my mother you’re talking about!”
Perverted Townie: “That’s disgusting! I ain’t into incest stuff.”
Olivia: “... Are all townies really this dense?”
I’m afraid so.
Now that Olivia safely had Pixie in her relationship panel, it was time to leave.
... Until we encountered Chewie. Having a simself contactable is always the safe thing to do, as far as I’m concerned.
Chewie is Rachou_babou at BoolProp. She’s all kinds of fabulous (unless she’s throwing shade, when she gets FIERCE).
Olivia: “Your face looks like it got smashed by a train... twice.”
Townie: “OMFG, I COMPLETELY AGREE. Let’s be friends? :D :D”
“Come out, you damn pesky aliens.”
Wrong telescope, bub. We can’t even afford the other one.
Having now met Pixie, I decided to put my plan into motion.
Secret Society Girl: “Hey. I have red hair. I’m fabulous.”
Bowie was getting very fat, so sending him to the gym was a “kill two birds with one stone” moment for me. He met a secret society member, gained a body skill point (which he needed for his education) and postponed his dramatic weight gain.
“You and me could write a Bad Romance, boy.”
Is she really attempting to interrupt a knowledge sim while he’s skilling? With Godga lyrics? How blasphemous.
“I always wanted to be a politician. But now I just fat around, annoying people. It’s too late, isn’t it?”
“Far too late.”
“I’m kind of a boss at university. All A+s? I think so.”
So to celebrate, I invited the girl who was attempting to hit on him back at the gym.
Of course, she chose to reject him for his first kiss...
He was, to put it mildly, devastated.
Of course, she then proceeded to make out with him. She’s clearly a “mixed messages” kind of girl.
Olivia: “You know the Titanic? I wish you had have been on it. Then again, you’re icy enough to have survived, you cold, cold bitch.”
“I completely agree. However, your mother is a hooker.”
“My aspiration is low. *sob*”
“A stove?! To what do I owe this pleasure?”
Well, thanks to the money y’all earned thanks to your good grades, we could afford to upgrade the house slightly.
Cheap brickwork - check.
Of course, we couldn’t afford to update the furniture... But having wallpaper, a kitchen and a bedroom was definitely an improvement.
That night, the representative from the Secret Society showed up.
Part one of my plan was making sure Olivia (or one of the others) actually met Pixie. Part two was now ready.
Jack? Meet Pot.
So Olivia borrowed Lafayette, the Cow Plant. She also borrowed the Bone Phone and camera, for future reference.
Time to put Part 3 into motion.
Pixie: “Hehehehehe, let’s gossip about your mother.”
Olivia: “Hah, yeah, let’s.”
“I’m real glad we’re friends, Pixie. Come back soon for some... delicious, home made cake.”
“Sure! :D”
Ozzy’s innocence is absolutely endearing.
Come on, Olivia, we have plans.
“Sorry. My education is more important than manslaughter.”
“Greetings, Pixie. My sister has told me great things about you.”
She had been greeted for less than five minutes before running straight to the cake. I didn’t even have any time to feel guilty about my actions.
“I love cake!”
See you soon, Pixie.
“Dead girl on your lot? I’m out of here. I don’t want our first date to be burying a body.”
And then the police arrived. An anonymous tipper, perhaps?!
Police Officer: “I’m here for your wig, you nasty little grade hacker.”
Take the computer. That’s nice. Thanks.
Olivia? Are you okay, girl?!
“I... don’t want to talk about it.”
Pixie’s spirit was rather restless, it appeared.
The secret society member that Bowie was crushing on was too complicated, so Shelby the Atrociously Evil Witch was called up in her place.
“Make me a witch, or I’ll slap you with a dead fish.”
So Bowie proceeded to slap her with a dead fish.
She gave in eventually, of course.
Platinum aspiration? I think so.
And then this happened.
Velna: “I’ll be okay! Just save my kitties!”
And then THIS happened.
And then Ozzy peed himself.
He was not happy with this turn of events.
Pixie’s simself decided to scare Olivia on the worst night of my sim playing life. Thanks. Thanks a lot.
Olivia: “I... My bladder released itself...”
Thankfully Pixie also scared Bowie, who had been rolling a want to see a ghost. The grotsky little knowledge sim...
“Hello, Ms Gypsy. I would like a date, please.”
Gypsy: “Look into mah crystal ball, gurl.”
“... Gurl, please.”
“Ew, you’re HITTING ON ME? No, thank you. Not at all. Never. Ever. Ever.”
“Disappointment is filling my soul, you stupid cheese cracker.”
As Senior year came to a close, I decided it was time to move Bowie and Shelby’s relationship to the next level.
How sweet.
However, I remembered one thing Ozzy had to do for the University bonus: the xylophone trick.
After a couple of days of practice, the xylophone trick was achieved.
This is where I will leave you.
Bowie achieved a perfect 4.0 final grade.
Olivia achieved an almost perfect 3.7 final grade.
Ozzy achieved a very good (under the circumstances) 2.5 final grade.
Next time, both Bowie and Ozzy will be moving back in with their parents, while Olivia will stay and be a placeholder. Bowie will live at the main lot until he unlocks his three career rewards, which hopefully will not take too long.
Also: the next step of my plan will be put to action, and my game will see a lot of scary glitches.
Thanks for reading!