when there's something strange, in the neighborhood

May 12, 2012 22:46

I know I've said this a lot recently, but I am exhausted! Four days in Kansas City after coming home from overseas trip apparently will do that to a person. It didn't help that I got NO sleep (despite taking this relaxant/sleep aid - to be honest, it only made me stay up even more) and that we were flat out all day until late at night (yesterday evening was our fault, we stayed up at the Concierge Lounge for a nightcap til 10pm when we should have probably just gone straight to bed after dinner). Anyway, life was meant to be lived on a Friday evening, so yeah.

When we got home from KC this afternoon (around 3pm), we watched a couple of documentaries (one on Coca Cola and another on North Korea). Yeah, talk about completely different tangents, hey? After watching those, Zach put on another documentary narrated by Leonard Nimoy - that did the trick for both of us and we were dozing off within half an hour. And didn't get up until 7:30pm. All groggy and tired ten times over. So awesome. Not.

A quick drive to Sonic (in our PJs) and went home to watch The Vow. Yes, that movie with Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum (or is it Tatum Channing?). I mentioned to my husband that I started watching this movie on our domestic flight from Adelaide to Sydney last weekend, only to miss the last 10 minutes because we landed before it finished. So the great husband that he is, he offered to rent the movie online so I could find out what happens. It was worth the $3.99 it cost to rent it. I mean, Rachel McAdams is a favorite of mine (despite being typecast like no other) but the story is so predictable and I knew they were going to get together in the end - but I just HAD TO KNOW how they went about it.

I intend to go back to the gym tomorrow. I haven't ran in a week and a half. I had every intention to go to the gym whilst in KC, but since I was down with this dreadful cough/cold/whatever gunk is in my lungs, I just had no energy or desire. What surprised me the most was that I supposedly lost 3lbs whilst in Australia. I don't know how that happened since I ate like a nobody was watching while home and hardly did any exercise. But after this KC week, I am certain I put 5lbs back on. So to try to combat that, I'll hit the gym tomorrow and see how I go. Running 3 miles seem like an unreachable feat right now, especially how I'm feeling.


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