"Deep breath" (Episode 1) is a great title for the very first episode in Series 8 which showcasts (in particular) the acting talents of the new 12th Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and his "sidekick", Clara Oswald (Jemma Coleman).
This is the show that the world at large waited (with baited breath) to see since last December when Matt Smith retired from the role of the Doctor. Which is not to say that the same fans would not have been as keen to see the new series even had Matt stayed on for another season.
Doctor Who is clearly an extraordinary pheneomenon which possibly has as much to do with the central character having legendary status in the minds of millions of people, everywhere, as for fact of the show first having been aired on the BBC in 1963. It is not just familiarity but a genuine fondness for the character and what the Doctor (every Doctor) examples, which has bonded fans to the show over many years.
And with so much pressure to live up to the expectations of fans, I can clearly imagine the last minute jangling of nerves felt by everyone connected to the show prior to the start of filming.
Doubtless all of those who bought "Deep Breath" to we, the viewers, themselves took a deep breath before throwing themselves headlong into creating yet another cornucopia of amazing stories.
This is a show which started as a tuppenny ha'penny children's show with pathetic fight scenes, actors stumbling over their lines and wobbly scenery. And yet even in the beginning, the show, in the ideas it conveyed, had an epic feel about it and the power to capture the imaginations of people of all ages.
The 21st century has brought with it an upgrade of sorts - better sets, better technology, betting fight scenes but it has held true to its origins - having passionate expression and true danger mixed in with comedy, innovative ideas and a high moral tone. And there is only ever one T.A.R.D.I.S. (if you discount "Sexy" in "The Doctor's Wife").
With Series 8, and near to October 2014, it seems that the bar (already set high) has again been lifted, this setting a whole new benchmark which, I would imagine, will need to be met by every new series to come if the makers want to retain their large fan base. (No pressure, guys! *WINK*)