Sunday Evening Wossname

Dec 07, 2009 09:55

Slightly rescheduled due to attention span issues.

  • First, I have a present for you. D'awwwww.

    image Click to view

  • And, because I am a bitch, I will now scare you shitless by linking to this graphic depicting the shift in unemployment rates in the United States from January 2007 to December 2009. Watch. Tremble.

  • Then I will direct your attention to my everlovin', motherfuckin', black and gold-ass SAINTS, bitches. Because they are fucking 12-0 this morning!

    Of course, they came from behind to win yesterday's game in overtime by a combination of gritty determination and ridiculous rabbit foot luck. Don't believe me? Observe.

  • And finally: I made these maple-chili glazed pork medallions a few nights ago. They didn't take me long at all, and I found they tasted just as good with or without the chipotle.

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sunday evening wossname

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