
Dec 05, 2009 17:08

On Thursday evening, I ran a mile continuously - no walk breaks, no stopping to tie my shoe. I could still breathe afterward, and I didn't end up on the floor in the fetal position rocking through the shin splints (which is what happened the last time I tried to take up running).

I realize a mile is not that fucking far. When I was fourteen, I ran a nine minute mile every Friday in P.E. But that was six years and thirty pounds ago, and now my standards are somewhat lower. So I take my pride where I can get it.

Yay, mile.

This morning mile-point-five was not nearly as graceful, which might have owed something to the massive hangover from my cousin's bachelorette party last night. Yay, marriage. Boo, tequila.

I also have thoughts about the season finale of Sons of Anarchy, and some disturbing observations about Weston the Aryan True Believer. Specifically, the creepy parallels between him and John Fucking Winchester.

What I see on both shows is a dad who believes that society in general and his family in particular are in great danger from a threat which the average American finds not the least bit credible. Dad considers it vital that his young sons understand this threat and arm themselves against it. To that end, he raises them as soldiers in his lifelong war.

Dad leaves his ten- and six-year-old in a house with unsecured firearms because "they know how to use them." He tells them it's imperative to never, ever go to the cops. They live in danger of being separated by CPS.

I am in no way trying to imply a moral equivalency between Winchester and Weston. The former was a basically decent man who saved lives at great personal cost, demanding nothing in return. The latter was a vicious white supremacist gang rapist and murderer.

But it's not hard to see how Viktor Henriksen could put together everything he knew about John Winchester and come up with a man like A. J. Weston.

What really bakes my noodle is the way SoA portrays Weston's relationship with his kids. Clearly he did them both incalculable damage by raising them as hate-poisoned militants on the fringe of society. But the show also tries to sell us on Weston as a father whose kids actually are top priority for him. "Go. You never talk to the cops. I love you." His last act is to shield his son from his own death: "He never sees this."

John Winchester's last act was to apologize for fucking up his son's psyche and then to do it some more.

I don't know what to make of this.

the waking world, supernatural, sons of anarchy, meta

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