May 07, 2004 14:20
wo-hooo I finally stretched out my eyebrow from a 14 to a 10 in two days!!!! wo-hooooo go me!
I also got new jewelry for my tounge. I got the koosh balls for my tounge which give the ladies an extra pleasure when I do down on them... oh yes baby- my sex is awesome, lol :)
umm my lip ring is nowa "C" the "c" is metallic blue and i have two sharp black cones on each end... it looks pimp
but im deciding wether i should leave the strecther in on my eyebrow, cuz it looks good... or match my eyebrow with my lip peircing... cuz i hae another one but at a 12... which is what my lip is 12 gauge
other than that, my hair is blue... and fading fast, i actually wash my hair everyday, i dont know why- i really shouldnt.. but alas... i do
i had it up in braids, which i thought looked "eh" so i took it out after like a week or two and it looked pimp... my hair looked "crimped" for lie two days till i washed it all out... i got pics on my dilly page
oh yea, im on the dilly now, and its soo much better than FTJ, or Hon, OR ANY OF THE LIKE 13 WEBSITES im a member of...
uuwww i also got a webcam!! which is kick ass... i got it for ashley, so she can see me. like as just a little something to show i care.. and we went on our first date oer the web... she ate pizza and i ate leftover kfc. distance and money shall never stop us!!!! lol *hug* gurly!
umm wat else is there?
oh my sis is back in town... till mionday i think, thats been cool... she asked me to take her to this big mall around here, Millenia... but never wants to go or is always busy...
:( sadness...
mummys day is comming up!!!
i got my mommy the bestest card...EVER!!!!!! WO-HOOOO
i like it, i really do...
i did kick ass on all my FINALS!!!!!!!! OH YES BABY, THANK YOU LORD HEAVENLY FATHER!!!!! I LOVE YOU
so classes aredone and today is my first day of break!!!!!!
i love my life wo-hooo!!!
i also met the coooooooooolest chica the other day... very cool to talk to and hang out with. awesome friend!!!!!! u rock linzabee!!! w00t w00t dont be mqad cuz i beat you in mario kart haha
that game rules!!!
ive been playing guitar more, being that i cant practice my vocal lessons cuz ive also been sick and throwing up for over a week now.. 8 days.. sheesh! well my friends, i also got NBA STREET VOLUME 2... its so kick ass!!! i love it!!
i got it for 10 bucks at toys r us!! ha believe that? yea and ive been hanging out with josh and jason more and more too
Jason thought me how to play Poker.. TEXAS HOLD EM!!!! its sooo kick ass!!! soo kick ass!! i love it!!
i love my friends, my life, my family, god i love you!!!
and im not high nor drunk!- well drunbkeness doesnt make me love everybody.. but the MJ does!!! ahhh pure sweet MJ!
i also finally sent my two HUGE dave matthews posters to get framed!!! it cost 400 fucking dollars!! but w/e i worked for it... so ill get it cuz i want it!!! wo-hoo
wat else is there>?
hoew the fuck can i forget AARON, holy shit..
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! I AM LIVING WITH A LIVING LEGEND!!! this guy is so fukin talented, holy shit!!!
fucking awesome film skills and boy knows how to play guitar like no other... his singing needs help, but thats where i come in! :) seriously though, all he needs are vocals lessons, and some original material and BAM- NEXT JOHN MAYER, or JASON MRAZ... (though i dont like jason mraz) but yea, and i think he can pull a few girls.. though i have yet to see him do so... but w/e yea... im living with sumone who knows how to play all the songs i want to, has tread the books i want to, and knows all the shit about film that i want to...
now am i jealous or what? lol, of coarse i was when he first moved in, felt really bad for being so... but i prayed about it... and GOD help me figure out that i shouldnt be jealous but rather i should appreciate the times i have singing with this guy and playing guitar with him... i mean its like sumone now saying they used to live with and sing with and play guitar with john mayer- how cool is that???
hope if u read this u dont get big headed on me my friend, er.. roomate, living legend.. lol
my other roomate had his fiancee and a kitty moved in!!! both equally cute!!!!
ummm.... i finally have a living room in my apt.
im getting a house with gary and brit...
im still feeling sick
i wrote a kick ass script, thus far
ive been writting lots of songs, and lyrics....
im on my way
thank you GOD
i live this life for you...
i love you....
you died for me...
and in return i will live for you!!!!!!!