Oct 12, 2003 20:45
Oh yes baby!
I did certainly have a blast last night. Shit it's 8:45 pm and I am still happy about last night as if it's still happening. Let's take a rewind and I'll hare what happened, shall we?
My parents came to pick me up here in Tally. This is their and my last night here. Well yesterday they came and we watched the FSU vs. UM game. Damn canes!!!! Yea Noles had their first defeat and the Canes remain undefeated.
My father, mother, sister and I went to a sports bar to watch the game and it was fun. There was a lot of UM fans ,everywhere! There were also FSU fans. The Um fans were the loud big black people type so they got really boisterous and made things fun for us. lol We left at half-time and finished the game at home. I then went here to Stone and got some info, then headed home and we all went out for good din din. We ate and then home and I talked with my mom as if a friend. i told her a lot about dave matthews and the band and some of their backround and music, and so forth. I put DMB on in the livivng room where we all were. I would tell my mom what he was saying cuz she couldnt understand that well, and it was low because a sports game was on as well. I forget which...
Anyways, then my sister, her boyfriend and I left. We went to a party here and wow there were so many people here this weekend. A lot of people came from back down south and from orlando and gainsville this weekend. So i saw a lot of people I aven't seen ina long while. Brad O'malley , danielle, derek, and ahh great times. Well there were two kegs there and cute girls and good enviorment and mood and good music as well, ah and a pool table, but by the time I got to play i was already buzzing from my alcohol consumption so i sucked, MAJORLY!! lol
I must have had like 9 cups before derek and I started smoking some GOOD crippy. brad had a gravity bong anbd so we used that. i gave derek 5 dollars and wow it was worth it and then some. I got SO HIGH!! I felt great!! and i kept drinking and drinking and drinking some more, lol. After a while I was drunk and high and wow having a total blast and talking to people and getting loose and having fun, singing, and dancing. My sister and her boyfriend had left by the time i got to smoke but it was ok cuz i asked if Jose' could take me home and he could, so all was well.
The whole house soon then started singing "Baby Got Back" and it was so much fun, I sang correctly and knew all the words but i kept cracking up because evryone one else who was drunk had no idea what the words were, ahh lol.. much fun.
Then walked over to stacey's.. (like a house away)(and ate some food, met more peopel over there who i havent seen)
Then went back to brads and people were doing keg stands. For those who dont know what that is a keg stand is were someone sticks the end of the keg pump in your mouth and shoots beer in you while your legs are being held up higher than your head by other people. Brad has the best time ... he drank straight like that for 57 seconds.
Me and derek were high as fuck, and I was drunk... and he still decided to do it and he lasted 12 seconds, i was like.. alright derek can do it, then so can i.... I did it for my first time and got 13 seconds, too much beer, too fast. After that I just curled down with my ankles and breathed through my nose. People were worried and asking if i was alright and if i was going to throw up, sheldon kept on asking me if i was going to "yak" lol I kept telling him not to say that because then i will cuz i just cant think of throwing up.. much less the word assocciated witht he word "yak"
Someone got me some drinking water with ice and that helped for a little while, but i went to the bathroom and threw up like crazy. I threw up and felt better, but still bad.. but i was so happy regardless, i was laughing and just having a blast. jose' re-assured me that at least i was leaving Tally happy and "going out with a bang!"
We then went to Lindsay's house. I have little memor of how we got there exactly. i know jose drove me, sheldon, some other kid and two other girls. I had next to the window cuz everyone knew i wound bound to throw up. We parked the car and i sat next to it and threw up some .. but i still was happy!!
Sheldon told me to sleep at his house by this time and it was cool cuz the two girls, and i would sleep there and he said, he'd drive me home the next morning.
I was like cool... all is well... but then my sister had called jose telling him to tell me where she had hid the key and for me to come home.
Well then by the time we left lindsays i felt a lot better and i remember people asking me how i felt, and i kept on saying "minty" I had mouthwashed alot of lindsays and jose gave me some strong minty gum afterwards as well.. so i has happy and pleasant and sleepy and having a blast. best time i have had in a long time... best time i have had in close to over half a year... just the enviorment and people and how things just fell into place made me feel so happy and so good.
I am still smiling. Well then went to drop off the girls and after wards dropped off sheldon and that other kid .
hey i just remembered some girl took a picture of me, jose, and that kid. I want a copy dammit! =)
Then jose dropped me off at home and i ran in the back got the key and ran to the front opened the door and got in at 5:30 am
holy-shit i thought... "i had a blast" i slept untill 3 pm today
mom got kinda questioning when it came to me and wher ei went and what i did. all was well though
and i shall keep it like that!
i feel so good. oh and thank you lord Jesus Christ, you rock!